Michael Sam and Robin Roberts won it the two previous years. It's not exactly an award for people who save lives or "fight for freedom" or some such bullshit.
The veteran that congratulated Caitlyn, the one who basically said to not get your panties in a twist that Caitlyn did win? That Veteran who understands courage comes in many different forms, that one?
Thats because the "TV personality" was actually an amazing athlete who won olympic gold medals. Whom also may have helped many people who are in the closet about being transgender or contemplating suicide. Coming out in such a harsh world takes courage, there are many ways people can be courages.
Obviously the other guy is a hero, an incredible guy, but the way the post has made Caitlyn sound is awful, like she hasn't done anything, when in reality she has brought to light a HUGE issue that has caused suicides and murders, depression, bullying etc. she has made the world more aware of the importance of trans visibility
But the other guy defended the right to do so. {}Man, I wish he was never born, what a jerk.
· 9 years ago
@thethirdi I agreed with you until that last sentence, don't straw man people (even though I'm probably a hypocrite about this, I try my hardest). Its plain disrespectful and doesn't actually do anything in an argument. And by "agree" I mean that between those two, yes the solider should have won, but I think Caitlyn would be a decent runner up.
@mickymouse, the problem with Caitlyn Jenner is that in reality she doesn't represent the trans community as a whole very well at all. She had the money to get everything done from the get go, and was famous and had a large backing of fans already behind her, no matter what she at the time did. None of these are very common in the trans community, AT ALL. Not to mention her political views which don't have very much if any resemblance to other major LGBT activist. She's done good things, yes, but still is not as perfect as people portray her as.
Every word after the {} on my comments is pure sarcasm. This man is by no means a jerk nor his he unimportant. I'm not undermining what the sex change did for their community, but at the end of the day, the men and women who die or are mammed for protecting our rights are the ones I believe deserve our support.
· 9 years ago
Ah. Okay. Didn't know what {} meant thank you. My apologize.
Yes, because Caitlyn Jenner is more important then a veteran who has risked their life protecting and serving our country, and our values and way of life (/end-sarcasm)
@mickymouse, the problem with Caitlyn Jenner is that in reality she doesn't represent the trans community as a whole very well at all. She had the money to get everything done from the get go, and was famous and had a large backing of fans already behind her, no matter what she at the time did. None of these are very common in the trans community, AT ALL. Not to mention her political views which don't have very much if any resemblance to other major LGBT activist. She's done good things, yes, but still is not as perfect as people portray her as.