Has anyone seen the post of someone saying they have PTSD from a lack of racism against white people ? And when someone tried to tell them that isn't what PTSD is people started siding with them EVEN THOUGH THAT'S NOT WHAT PTSD IS.
Let's start a controversial sh!tstorm! Does everyone have his or her popcorn ready?
This image represents a significant amount of rape accusations nowadays.
Don't know why I'm being downvoted; what I said was true. Only 2% of rapes are falsely accused. Maybe do some research before writing off every rape as a false accusation.
· 9 years ago
I never wrote off every rape as a false accusation. What I said was that the reason why the percent for false accusations is so low is because not all of them are actually disproved.
· 9 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong but what you're trying to state is that all false accusations are disproven in court and that all of them account for 2% of allegations? Because if so I would really love to read the credible research paper you got your information from.
Even if that were true- which, if you're willing to provide any evidence from credible sources that says the number of false rape accusations is higher than what is stated on both the rapecrisis website and the FBI website, then we can have an actual conversation- that doesn't dispell the fact that the number of actual rapes compared to the number of false accusations would still be vastly greater, still placing the number of false accusations at a low percentage overall.
Additionally, if we're going off the logic you provided, we could also say that the statistical number of rapes is also too low, considering not all rapes are reported or taken seriously.
So I guess we could take that line of thinking in both directions.
I just told you what sources I got that information from. The rapecrisis website and the FBI website. If you don't think those are credible enough, then please let me know what you exactly consider credible.
I don't need to post any links. It takes 2 damn seconds to go to google and type FBI rape statistics or rapecrisis center rape statistics. Not really that hard...
If you're the one making the statement, you should be the one to provide sources. I mean, you wouldn't expect a teacher grading an essay to look up the topic themselves right ? It's your point, you show your proof.
Yes, I understand your point. But it's also important to note that I wasn't the only one making claims. Korozco was also making claims that he didn't provide sources for, so if he's going to insist that I provide him with some then he should do the same. However, like I said before, I /did/ give sources: the rape crisis center and the FBI- they're indirect sources, but they're sources nonetheless.
Oh fuck that, just cause you guys are lazy assholes dosent mean we are here to spoon feed you information. such a bullshit way to derail an argument. In the end the facts are right there but you guys aren't interested in that cause it would mean you'd have to stop this masogynist circle jerk. Enjoy your pats on the backs here guys cause in the real world your all just a bunch of tools.
This image represents a significant amount of rape accusations nowadays.
Additionally, if we're going off the logic you provided, we could also say that the statistical number of rapes is also too low, considering not all rapes are reported or taken seriously.
So I guess we could take that line of thinking in both directions.
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