My dad married my mom when he was 35. No shame in not getting married in your 20s
· 9 years ago
Nothing wrong with that. You have to remember your thinking is based on societies 'standards.' Diploma, drivers license, college degree, something figure salary, fiance/wife, children, house, 401k, grandkids, retirement, funeral plot, and 6 feet under the ground. That's not how it works for everyone.
My mom had an IUD, a .01% chance of conceiving, and here I am. I consider myself agnostic but I know things have a way of working themselves out.
Getting married literally makes me nauseous. I just don't like the concept. All my friends are getting married but that's the last thing on my mind and I'm 30. Don't let society dictate how you feel. My parents and most of their friends are divorced so what was the point.
My mom had an IUD, a .01% chance of conceiving, and here I am. I consider myself agnostic but I know things have a way of working themselves out.