So many bad things happens in the Middle East every second of the day, but when something bad happens in France everybody loses their minds. Disappointing..
Unfortunately, cringe is right. Even though it happens every day, whether right under our noses or in plain sight, people don't mourn it so much as acknowledge it, at best. This is no good.
What about send those terrorrists back to hell?!....oh I forgot, Political correctness, Human Rights for criminals, and all those left-wing nosense things...How long are we suppose to tolerate this?
Because the entire Muslim religion is not to blame for the acts of these extremists- that's why. So "sending those terrorists back to hell" would be perpetrating the misconception that all Muslims are terrorists. There's no perfect system for weeding out the extremists, unfortunately, and we can't punish an entire group, so sending them back anywhere isn't going to work.
Are you sure? Do you really want them living in your cities? They kill those who don't convert. They really don't need to be shipped in, it's stupid and wrong. They hate us. After all they have done here already I can't believe people want to be so compassionate as to invite the enemy to be here.
Are you referring to all Muslims in general? Because I have a Muslim professor, and honestly, she's my favorite professor because of how nice she is. What so many of the general public fail to realize is that the entire Muslim community is not to blame for these ISIS extremists, and the Quran says nothing about murdering people who don't follow or convert to your religion. And you do realize that many infamous world genocides have been committed in the name of Christianity, right? Or are we just going to ignore that since Christianity is the "pure" and "right" religion? Every religion has it's extremists that feel the need to kill those who don't follow, unfortunately. Like I said before, it's damn near impossible to weed out the extremists.
My best friend is Muslim and she's had plenty of opportunities to kill me for "not converting". Hasn't happened yet. She literally does not give a shit if I believe in different things than she does, or nothing at all.
You say you can not blame the group, but I do not see this same group condemning these attacks. It seems that the most they do is stay neutral, as if deep down they agree with it all. This happens because of that ideal which says that Muhammad will only return when the whole world is converted to Islam.
While all Christianity is mocked by all the world's media for doing much less.
Se não acredita, faça um teste.
Experimente falar bem alto "eu odeio Cristo" no meio do Vaticano pra ver o que acontece. E depois experimente falar bem alto "eu odeio Maomé"no meio de Meca pra ver o que acontece.
If you do not believe, do a test.
Try to speak loudly "I hate Christ" in the midst of the Vatican to see what happens. And then try talking loudly "I hate Muhammad" in the middle of Mecca to see what happens.
If you think that Muslims are not condemning those performing these attacks, then what do you think they were running away from? What do you think caused some of them to be refugees in the first place? They are certainly condemning the attacks, though the media may not always show it to be so.
The majority of the German population was peaceful, the Nazis did what they did.
The majority of the Russian population was peaceful, the USSR did what it did.
The majority of the Chinese population was peaceful, Mao Tse Tung did what he did.
The fact that Most do not be extremist (which is not the case) does not mean anything.
Above guest, although you are somewhat right, it is still no reason to claim that the whole population is extremist or responsible for any sort of attack. Some Christians have burned and bombed both houses and people. Yet we do not see them as extremist or terrorist. Heck, even the KKK isn't classified as a terrorist group. However, for us to consider all Muslims to be terrorists is an absurd notion, one that is highly hypocritical.
While all Christianity is mocked by all the world's media for doing much less.
Experimente falar bem alto "eu odeio Cristo" no meio do Vaticano pra ver o que acontece. E depois experimente falar bem alto "eu odeio Maomé"no meio de Meca pra ver o que acontece.
Try to speak loudly "I hate Christ" in the midst of the Vatican to see what happens. And then try talking loudly "I hate Muhammad" in the middle of Mecca to see what happens.
The majority of the Russian population was peaceful, the USSR did what it did.
The majority of the Chinese population was peaceful, Mao Tse Tung did what he did.
The fact that Most do not be extremist (which is not the case) does not mean anything.