guestwho: our family had plenty of cats and they would have a very fucked up digestion if they drank pure cows milk. They can only manage that stuff if you dilute it with plenty of water. There are fake milk products on the market, because people love to feed their cats milk. They love the stuff, but as I said: you might regret it.
Didn't say I let them just said humans are not the only animals that drink the milk of other animals. Cats are like humans, some are intolerant some are not.
well they are wrong because there are plenty of cases where one species does raise another, one case i can think of is a Female dog raising tiger cubs and she did give them her milk because she just had a litter of her own
Did I say anywhere that it was bad for you BECAUSE I didn't like the taste? So quick to anger, might want to see a specialist about that you stupid cunt.
· 9 years ago
A Harvard study concluded that milk can cause cancer so rarepepe actually isn't wrong
morelli707 - actually soy milk goes really well with cereals. We kind of stopped drinking milk, cause of the mother cow/calf thing, and got really used to soy, also use it for breakfast tea and coffee. We are not vegans at all, and we never tell anyone what to eat and what not, even when we made certain decisions like eating less meat and avoid fresh milk. So now both of us have developed a mild form of lacose intolerance, meaning we get a little gassy and generally uncomfortable below the stomach when we drink a lot of milk. OTOH we know a vietnamese couple who came here 15 years ago and loved the taste of milk so much, they got over their initial bad reactions and start the day with half a pint of milk every day. So maybe this "se asians cannot drink milk" thing is not so much genetic.
@ blackbanana acrylamide, which can come from frying carbs, is a carcinogen. There is much more evidence to support the unhealthiness of tater tots than milk. Even carcinogenic tendencies aside (which I guarantee you tater tots are more carcinogenic, along with many other common foods), tater tots are simple carbs loaded with fat and salt. There is effectively no benefit to eating them, and only negative effects.
tl:dr why would someone not drink milk because it is "unhealthy" yet still eat tater tots which are exceptionally worse?
everything "gives" you cancer. living to an old age causes cancer too. get tired of this nonsense. of course things that are less healthy have an increasing risk of causing cancer, but calling a minimally increasing risk "causing" is stupid. exposure to high levels of the right kinds of radiation CAUSES cancer. living a reasonable life just increases risk.
I don't drink milk because it makes me puke, it's fucking disgusting. It just happens to be unhealthy as well. Where in the nine fucking realms did I say tater tots were healthy anyways?
Seriously. Science shows smoking is bad, drugs are bad, bacon is bad, TV binges are bad, everything fun is bad...most of what humans do is kinda pointless, but dammit, we enjoy doing it.
Nope, found the guy who can read...
morganwinchester: I agree, fresh milk can be really, really yummy. Too bad you don't get the real good stuff in a regular supermarket, but only in these hippie stores where it costs about as much as decent liquor.
super cold milk is like the most refreshing delicious thing ever. i think thats actually why i like the fat free... it "tastes" colder to me at the same temperature.
tl:dr why would someone not drink milk because it is "unhealthy" yet still eat tater tots which are exceptionally worse?
morganwinchester: I agree, fresh milk can be really, really yummy. Too bad you don't get the real good stuff in a regular supermarket, but only in these hippie stores where it costs about as much as decent liquor.