Of course I can remember pokemon names. Because I'm used to those! I can remember the correct pronouns,but sometimes it takes me a bit of time,because I'm not really used to those,or familiar with them. PLUS,there is a difference between species and fucking gender.
Dehumanizing her (I'm guessing by the attire) doesn't help anyone and only makes you seem like an asshole. Referring to any person as an "It" makes you an asshole. And the gender neutral pronoun for humans is "they"
If you're joking I apologize.
And "they" is technically not the gender neutral pronoun for humans. "They" is a plural pronoun, not singular. There really isn't a gender neutral singular pronoun for humans in English, but he/she, s/he, and even hir are usually accepted
· 9 years ago
Well I get where you're coming from, I'm guessing your not an American? Because in American speech at least "they" is becoming a much more common form of he/she. While I dont know if its officially recognized by things like oxford, oxford doesn't make language. It only recognizes new words that are being used. Thats why "Selfie" is a word. And at least I'm my personal experience living in 6 different cities, given I only remember 3 of them well, "they" is an acceptable singular, gender neutral pronoun.
Yes, I am 100% American. Just because people use incorrect grammar all the time does not make it correct. Every day I hear people ending sentences in prepositions, breaking the amount/number rule and using dangling modifiers and I wonder what is happening to the world.
@gamer girl I understand what you're saying, alot of people use "they" in your specified context. However, they themselves would be using it incorrectly, as it is a plural pronoun.
Gender and biological sex are two different things.
I think that some people have reached the limits of what is considered rational for gender identification, but the groups for sex are:
Those born with an extra (usually X) chromosome that are kind of in a grey area of being both and neither.
And are determined at conception.
However, gender is identification. The main groups being:
Agendered (and that exist, yes)
These "[animal]kin" type things are bullshit. There is a line. And the 3 identifications I've listed above are decided unconsciously at some point in our lives. Most of the time people have their biological sex and gender match up, but sometimes peoples gender and sex are different. This is called "Gender dysphoria" and affects about 1% of the population and is a mental illness (yes, it is) that has been proven to exist.
Change the persons gender and/or sex. Although I'm not touching on other types of trans ppl here
Naw I don't think you fucked up, dailydose. Except for the inevitable hate comments, discussions like this are healthy. We need more "let's have an open discussion" and less "I'm offended" in this world.
Gamergirl you're acting retarded in that being you're only response. I'll clear it up.
If you are, or have ever been, capable of impregnating someone. You are in fact, male.
If you are or have ever been, capable of being impregnated, you are in fact, female.
This obviously not counting those who are without the ability to reproduce. They should fall within their respective categories since some people like to be nitpicky about every single damn word because they purposely choose to ignore what is being said.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
There are three genders in my books Male, Female and Trans(AKA both) I only recently accepted trans.
I want to say a few things as a member of the group of people who are having this issue. Because it is a good analogy @rwby. You really shouldn't be offended on both sides:
If someone gets frustrated with your lack of memory, its because they're probably super stressed out and don't have the energy to constantly correct it.
Any transgender person shouldn't get offended at someone getting it wrong. Dont interrupt them while they talk. Pull them to the side and kindly remind them when they have a moment. If its an accident, move on. If its malicious, then yes, you have my permission to get pissed.
If I were to judge the two sides I do have to agree with the 4chan commenter more so then the original picture, but its the lesser of two evils in my opinion.
· 9 years ago
Although the commenter writing "faggot" on the end was a bit unnecessary to say the least
Who disliked that one guy. He's right. And I acknowledged that. But I stand by the original comment that we shouldn't get offended over what people are offended over.
Unless you're referring to the faggot part.
And then fuck you. But I'm assuming your referring to my first part.
no im saying that when he said that charmanders don't say squirtle. If you're a male and say you're female then you are wrong and need to be educated on common sense. And fuck me for thinking the word faggot is funny?? Ok sure dude
These comments holy shit this is cancer and gold at the same time
· 9 years ago
I'm transgender, an personally I couldn't care less about what pronouns people use. It's about knowing who you are, and when you know that, people can call you what they like and it won't bother you!
First the comment at the bottom of the post is hateful and unnecessary.
But, don't expect me to know how you identify yourself and certainly don't expect me to use a third newly created gender pronoun. It's important to you, but maybe pokemon or baseball or Shakespeare plays are important to me.
i've a few friends who were girls in school who are men now. and while i am totally whatever about it the fact remains that i have 10-18 years of memories of these people as girls and sometimes that memory just overrides. sometimes people need to just decipher intent. like in those situations if the word she slips, i fucking heard it too it was a mistake and not intentional and theres really no need for a lecture or offense because there was no intent or malice it was just me remembering you as the person i have always known, regardless of gender.
If you're joking I apologize.
I'll just leave this here
I think that some people have reached the limits of what is considered rational for gender identification, but the groups for sex are:
Those born with an extra (usually X) chromosome that are kind of in a grey area of being both and neither.
And are determined at conception.
However, gender is identification. The main groups being:
Agendered (and that exist, yes)
These "[animal]kin" type things are bullshit. There is a line. And the 3 identifications I've listed above are decided unconsciously at some point in our lives. Most of the time people have their biological sex and gender match up, but sometimes peoples gender and sex are different. This is called "Gender dysphoria" and affects about 1% of the population and is a mental illness (yes, it is) that has been proven to exist.
Change the persons gender and/or sex. Although I'm not touching on other types of trans ppl here
If you are, or have ever been, capable of impregnating someone. You are in fact, male.
If you are or have ever been, capable of being impregnated, you are in fact, female.
This obviously not counting those who are without the ability to reproduce. They should fall within their respective categories since some people like to be nitpicky about every single damn word because they purposely choose to ignore what is being said.
If someone gets frustrated with your lack of memory, its because they're probably super stressed out and don't have the energy to constantly correct it.
Any transgender person shouldn't get offended at someone getting it wrong. Dont interrupt them while they talk. Pull them to the side and kindly remind them when they have a moment. If its an accident, move on. If its malicious, then yes, you have my permission to get pissed.
If I were to judge the two sides I do have to agree with the 4chan commenter more so then the original picture, but its the lesser of two evils in my opinion.
Unless you're referring to the faggot part.
And then fuck you. But I'm assuming your referring to my first part.
But, don't expect me to know how you identify yourself and certainly don't expect me to use a third newly created gender pronoun. It's important to you, but maybe pokemon or baseball or Shakespeare plays are important to me.