I feel like adding to the post is better than just going to that horrible *insert creative title* nonsense
· 9 years ago
Well now that doesn't seem right your incorrect use of the title option is better than someone else's incorrect use? Why not just use them as a title or not at all.
Why can you not add to your post? A lot of times people do that because it's necessary. It wasn't necessary for this post in particular, but I just wanted to call out that type of comment for this post because of how unoriginal it is. Anyone who would comment that would now probably be a troll trying to piss me off.
· 9 years ago
I'm not saying you can't I'm just pointing out how it's kind of hypocritical what you're doing. By saying the way they use the title bothers you but the way you use it is better but actually neither are actually using it for a title
· 9 years ago
Also by what your post says you have named your post "Or people that will think they're funny by commenting *insert witty comment* or something"
I always assumed that was the default comment before u typed in your comment or whatever
Like a reminder, "don't forget to put in a title." Now that I know it's not, it definitely got on my nerves
Like a reminder, "don't forget to put in a title." Now that I know it's not, it definitely got on my nerves