Lmao, it makes me laugh that you're always complaining about "feminists" saying they don't do anything when you do just as much as they do. Like for real, dude, what the fuck do you do aside from spend all you time searching tumblr and the Internet for anti-feminism posts? For someone who hates feminism so much you seem to be more obsessed with feminism than actual feminists.
Looking cool? When have I ever said that? And that's what you call fun? You must be one sad person then. Laugh for once, dude. Take a fucking break from your anti-everything crusade.
by laughing in RL do you mean you laugh at your on posts here? alxx is right dude, your sad, if you think this is entertaining.....thats just...wow.....sorry man.
Yea you guys are fucking hilarious. You all get butthurt so easily the second I show feminism for what it truly is. Essentially, I am bringing a different opinion into this homogeneous userbase, and laughing when you guys can't handle any facts that disagree with your preconceived notions about the world. It's funny to see just how many people like you there are in the world, how many people who can't handle the fact that in the outside world, there are people out there who aren't actually carbon copies of yourselves.
nah i was on holidays, too busy having fun, back at work now tho, I only engage when im seriously bored out of skull, but you're literally boring me more than work so yeah, back to the spreadsheets, they have far more to offer.
No I think that men who bitch about how they need rights are just as annoying and self-victimizing as feminists. I think that both are extremely unnecessary in this modern world.
I don't think you understand, but this is not a 'men are better than women" thing, its just that modern feminism in first world countries is largely unnecessary.