That's a reasonable question, and I'm sure the cops were asking the same thing. I doubt the police just dropped by randomly, someone had to call in a prowler. If you are looking for someone who doesn't belong there and you find someone who doesn't match (pictures in this case) then, yes the police are going to assume the worst until proven otherwise. The media and a lot of the internet would not like you to think so, but if the police arrived at a black residence on such a call and found a white person in the house, the same damn thing would happen.
Explains it but please note the following line from the article: "DeShawn stood firm and insisted that he was in fact in his own home, police attacked him with pepper spray."
That is resisting. You do not "stand firm" when given an order by police. If he had complied I'm sure all would have been sorted out without any drama. Also concerning is the line that "police attacked him". No, police did what police do to get control of the situation.
I don't remember exactly, but I felt he was treating me and my friend unfairly on a traffic stop. I told him how I felt! He re-holstered pretty quickly even though I still didn't really comply. I used to, shall we say "dislike authority" when I was younger. I later became a police officer myself, though I am not any more.
Yes but not entirely. I have met "bad" cops, of multiple skin colors, but the overwhelming majority are good men and women just trying to do a dangerous and thankless job. A police officer's priorties on shift are: 1, to go home alive. 2, to protect the innocent, and 3, to worry about the feelings of a perpetrator. I also get a little chafed at all the false claims of racism and police brutality. Sure it happens, but rarely. The media like to blow everything out of proportion for ratings and personal glory for the "reporter".
I for one hold a lot of respect for police officers no matter what happens they do dangerous work with little thanks they get yelled at for just doing their job and if they do have to make a show of force the media site it for police brutality which I hate even though sometimes it's true but i know for a fact that most officers don't commit that so from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your service and for helping make the world a bit better
Before anyone tells about corruption I am joking. I still have an ID (nostalgia) but I do not whip it out because I was stopped for speeding. I did once have my old duffle bag ("POLICE" in big reflective letters) in the back and forgot about it. The officer asked out of the blue if I was a cop. I was really confused until he mentioned the duffle bag. We had a nice convo and I left without a citation.
To be fair my this happened to my white cousin when he was at his white parents house with them even being home, the neighbors called and reported a break in.
It's crazy how many enters on here are like "Well he musta done suuuumthing" or "he needs to just comply, stop resisting" It's his FUCKING house! I'm literally starting to hate this site.
Yes it was his house, and if he had not fought the police they would have figured it out sooner. The police's job is to make sure such things are the truth, and they have to control the situation, for their own safety and the safety of innocent parties, so that they can find the truth. We actually do not know what happened from this story, as the writer is not a reporter but rather an activist. The story is slanted against the police, and notice the writer does not mention the officers' races? This is simply a blanket "bad police" story.
That is resisting. You do not "stand firm" when given an order by police. If he had complied I'm sure all would have been sorted out without any drama. Also concerning is the line that "police attacked him". No, police did what police do to get control of the situation.