Yeah, it isn't that I don't like guns, I don't like the possibility of being shot with one
· 9 years ago
You can be stabbed by a steak knife too but just about everybody owns multiples of those and nobody cares. I don't care for guns but if people are responsible with theirs then why should I care? At the end of the day it all comes down to each and every individual taking responsibility for their actions. Instead of making everything illegal, the government should teach people the pros and cons of various actions/subjects/substances and let the individual decide for themselves if they want to take part or not.
I only agree with this to an extent. For alcohol. Alcohol doesn't just affect the person drinking it.
· 9 years ago
You can drink alcohol and not be an alcoholic. It's all about self control, either you have it or you don't. People should figure that out on their own instead of being told what they can or cannot handle responsibly.
No it's not all about self control. I'm talking about people being killed by drunk drivers at no fault of their own.
· 9 years ago
Give me a break. People get killed by other motorist for other reasons than drunk drivers. It is all about self control, majority of people that drink never drive while intoxicated. There's nothing wrong with alcohol when used responsibly, just like everything else.
It's not really self absorption, it's the idea that we have both rights and responsibilities and the more we are restricted the farther we move backwards as a society. We fought for the right to determine for ourselves what's right. Yes that's gotten out of hand a bit, but better we mess up and try again than completely give control to another corrupt government.
Drugs guns and alcohol are actually dangerous to others...
· 9 years ago
So are cars but millions of people drive those, hell, we even allow 16 year olds to drive those around unsupervised. Drugs guns and alcohol are only dangerous to others if people act irresponsibly with them. If they are aware of the hazards and are trained in proper usage while having self control then they are perfectly fine. Just because a select few are morons that doesn't mean people's personal freedoms should be impeded upon. If I want to smoke weed in my house and watch movies and listen to music then how is that dangerous to others? It's not.
What if people use you as a prop for sex when you are trying to sleep?
What if you get shot?