He dreams of being a man on the run for a crime he didn't commit?
He dreams of electric sheep?
He dreams in digital?
· 9 years ago
Someone's dreaming of being a 16 year old white male in african country where he is oppressdd because he is a minority and has to "pay for his ancestors" mistakes for apartheid and have racist cops shoot up his home or deface their family business falsely accusing the boys father for rape. Someonr's dreaming of having to live in constant fear that today moght be their last day because some assholes think because he's white he's rich so he has to hide and emcrypt hos messages he sends to his friends so the people tapping his phone wont know when he's leaving the house so he van enjoy about 2 hours of serenity with his peers. If someone's dreaming to have my life then shit, they really needa start dreaming bigger
He dreams of electric sheep?
He dreams in digital?