Like 2 weeks or so ago i went for schools alumni meet , and the host said that we had to come up to the mic and tell others what we are doing now, so i rehearsed the line i thought of saying for like half hour and when the moment came, i said "goodmorning to all the cheaters teachers..."
And my best friend and the group broke out laughing and one of them said, ' damn you said the truth' (in Hindi obviously). I still feel guilty for that.
I rehears things in my head all the time but instead of saying it wrong I'll just sit on the edge of saying it and keep opening and closing my mouth trying to push the words out but I can't.
*types it*
*doesn't edit *
*get swarmed b grammer nazi*
And my best friend and the group broke out laughing and one of them said, ' damn you said the truth' (in Hindi obviously). I still feel guilty for that.