Woah, sorry for not supporting blatant falsity! I guess believing a lie tumblr made to push forth a feminist agenda is way better than seeking the truth! (The better guest)
Why is it feminist fantasy? All stories, everywhere, are interpreted differently based off other person who comes across them. Same with music. Just because someone reads more into it that you do doesn't mean their wrong. Don't be an ignorant asshole
it's not a fucking interpretation, they're fucking up the actual story. stop supporting these mindless fucks
· 9 years ago
Dude chill and quit with the hate. I love it because I love discussions about mythology, especially Greek. I read the comment and I learned New stuff which is fantastic. Doesn't mean I don't still love that Greek mythology is being discussed.
This has so much bullshit, dear lord. Firstly, in every single version I've read, there's no reference to the dalliance with Poseidon being rape. And the shit about women seeing Medusa as a symbol of protection? Rubbish. Secondly, Athena CURSED medusa. It was no blessing. Poseidon banged her in Athena's temple, and Athena cursed Medusa to get back at him. Let's look at this logically. Medusa turned anyone who looked at her into stone, not just men. How is that supposed to be protection? Also, she was pregnant with Chrysador and Pegasus for ages because of Athena's curse, she couldn't give birth because of the monster she was turned into. BY ATHENA. Please, let's not turn everything, especially not my beloved mythology into ammo for your war against the patriarchy. Medusa was a monster, made into a monster by a goddess, and then had her sisters turned into monsters too. And then what you're conveniently forgetting is that Perseus was aided by a goddess to kill Medusa.
It's a story dude. Relax. Unless you openly worship Greek deities and believe in these myths, shut the fuck up. People can believe or interpret whatever they want, as long as them doing so doesn't hurt any one. All I see is an unorthodox view of a well-known story. Stop being a whiny bitch about someone thinking differently than you do and open up your mind to the fact that maybe you don't know everything.
"According to Ovid (Metamorphoses, IV. 779ff), the reason for the dispute lay in Poseidon's rape of Medusa inside the temple of the virgin goddess. "
"In fact the function of the Gorgon's mask was to keep men at a safe distance from the sacred ceremonies and mysteries reserved for women, i.e. those which celebrated the Triple Goddess, the Moon. Graves reminds us that the Orphic poems referred to the full moon as the 'Gorgon's head'. The mask was also worn by young maidens to ward off male lust."
Source (and a pretty interesting read):
Yeah, if you seek out the story you'll realize just how fucking bullshit it is. Read some above comments and stop jacking off to everything tumblr spews out.
Fuck off tumblr, yeezuz croyst
"In fact the function of the Gorgon's mask was to keep men at a safe distance from the sacred ceremonies and mysteries reserved for women, i.e. those which celebrated the Triple Goddess, the Moon. Graves reminds us that the Orphic poems referred to the full moon as the 'Gorgon's head'. The mask was also worn by young maidens to ward off male lust."
Source (and a pretty interesting read):