SPOILER ALERT*******You're kidding me right? Supehero falls in love, superhero cannot be with true love gor some drastic reason, superhero goes on quest to kill bad guy, siperhero tells story of why he wants to kill bad guy, superhero finds bad guy, superbero fights epic battle with badguy and badguy's henchmen , superhero desperately tries to save his love from badguy, superhero saves love from badguy, superhero defeats badguy, superhero kisses love. The end. Deadpool even comments about the generic plot in the movie itself. Like I said the only thing that makes the movie awesome is the character
The whole point is a generic story that is made good due to the characters. That is the whole point. People who downvoted your original comment are mentally retarded animals who don't know anything about anything (aka typical fs users) who aren't even old enough to watch the movie in the first place.