I wanna find that burgundy arsehole and shove the subject of one of those 'ology degrees' down his throat. Namely paleoscatology. I wanna choke him with dinosaur crap.
Bernie never mentioned anything about higher education establishments. He's talking about community colleges. For the hard working people in the lower classes that can't afford it. A good example was when I was attending a community college in Florida there was a woman there with a kid and two jobs struggling to be able to get a degree so she can get a higher salary and a chance to give her kid that higher education that she couldn't.
· 9 years ago
But you see this isn't always the case, the majority of people attending community college are the ones who didn't put in the effort in high school to meet the requirements for a better school. Why should they be rewarded with a free higher education?
No, a majority of people attending community college do so because it is less expensive that other schools.
And while it is easier to get in, you do have to do well enough if you want to maintain good academic standing. Or you will be kicked out.
Yea, I have to say that nearly everyone at my community college was there with the same exact plan that I had: get a two year degree, then transfer to University as a junior to get my bachelor's. That's what most students do because those two years at a community college save you about $10,000 in tuition. So, I'm going to have to say that you're wrong in saying that most students at community college are there because of poor grades. Its simply the smarter thing to do financially.
This is really cool, and a great argument.
That being said I want to take a moment to address the military policies.
Shouldn't need to risk your life for education.
You can argue our involvement in one war or another, but the fact is we put fighting wars so someone actually needs to fight them. And it is a tough job. Your life is literally put in the line of fire. You are required to make lengthy business trips, it may be months before you see your family again, if ever. You are far more likely to suffer sever work related injuries like loss of limbs. And still, the government needs to have soldiers in order to fight wars, which is sometimes nessicary. And if you don't think it's nessicary to have a peace time army then you'd be wrong a about that too.
This being said, if not enough soliders are enlisting of their own will, and the times call for it, there will be a draft. This has happened before and if the number enlisting drops enough then it will happen
And either way, soldiers need some place in society to come back to when they return.
This is difficult for many reasons. Not the least of which is the psycological damages that way can have on a person. Unfortunately we don't have a great solution for this, and mental health having the stigmatism that it does also doesn't help.
And physical handicaps can be unbelievably harrowing. Especially because it is never just the physical that is damaged. We do have a slightly better grasp of this with things like wounded warrior project.
Sometimes these soldiers cannot go back to what they were doing before the military. Sometimes going recuits have no history to fall back on, and even when that isn't the case kind may no longer exist upon your return. Or injury can make it literally impossible to do what you were doing before (say construction or mechanics). College may very well be the best option, but you may also lack the funds to afford it. You deserve free college.
Im taxed 25% of my monthly salary. My husband earns more than me, and is thus taxed 36%. This gives us free education and healthcare among other things.. How much tax does an american pay? And why does so many americans think they'll be taxed 50-70% if bernie wins the election? It dosent really make any sense... Does it?
I see how much people don't care about their high education when it costs a lot of money, I'd hate to see how the act when they aren't hardly paying at all.
Granted it's not nearly everyone who does this. People go to college thinking it's party central and fail out sometimes. I have a buddy who was the tip of our class, drank his way to failing classes.
It happens at expensive colleges too. It doesn't have anything to do with it being free. If you care about your education or want to succeed in your career, you give your fucking blood and sweat wherever you are.
Nah I think education is fine as it is, there are things called scholarships, and I do find the militiary system to be a good idea. Remember it's optional to get a collage from the military
Another one of these.
1. You're not all going to Yale, Harvard, Stanford.
2. Who the fuck makes minimum wage for more than a few weeks?
3. Suck it up and deal with it, you sniveling little pricks. If you're biggest concern in life is how you're going to afford tuition at Yale, you're life's going pretty damn good.
Given the complete ignorance you have towards those who can hardly afford community college, I'm going to take a guess and say either you were rejected from Yale, or you have rich parents prepared to pay your tuition fees for you. Either way, you're a fucking idiot.
Great debate though!
And while it is easier to get in, you do have to do well enough if you want to maintain good academic standing. Or you will be kicked out.
That being said I want to take a moment to address the military policies.
Shouldn't need to risk your life for education.
You can argue our involvement in one war or another, but the fact is we put fighting wars so someone actually needs to fight them. And it is a tough job. Your life is literally put in the line of fire. You are required to make lengthy business trips, it may be months before you see your family again, if ever. You are far more likely to suffer sever work related injuries like loss of limbs. And still, the government needs to have soldiers in order to fight wars, which is sometimes nessicary. And if you don't think it's nessicary to have a peace time army then you'd be wrong a about that too.
This being said, if not enough soliders are enlisting of their own will, and the times call for it, there will be a draft. This has happened before and if the number enlisting drops enough then it will happen
And either way, soldiers need some place in society to come back to when they return.
This is difficult for many reasons. Not the least of which is the psycological damages that way can have on a person. Unfortunately we don't have a great solution for this, and mental health having the stigmatism that it does also doesn't help.
And physical handicaps can be unbelievably harrowing. Especially because it is never just the physical that is damaged. We do have a slightly better grasp of this with things like wounded warrior project.
Sometimes these soldiers cannot go back to what they were doing before the military. Sometimes going recuits have no history to fall back on, and even when that isn't the case kind may no longer exist upon your return. Or injury can make it literally impossible to do what you were doing before (say construction or mechanics). College may very well be the best option, but you may also lack the funds to afford it. You deserve free college.
1. You're not all going to Yale, Harvard, Stanford.
2. Who the fuck makes minimum wage for more than a few weeks?
3. Suck it up and deal with it, you sniveling little pricks. If you're biggest concern in life is how you're going to afford tuition at Yale, you're life's going pretty damn good.