"For the survival of our species, we need to be at LEAST a two planet civilization." I heard that on a tv show, cant remember which one. But it's true. Say a huge asteroid that we didn't see until it was too late smashes into earth and kills everyone. Then that's it, the human race is done unless we start to colonize other planets. Also a lot of everyday things exist because of technologies invented for space travel. For example, you know the memory foam stuff that alot of beds are made out of? NASA invented that.
· 9 years ago
I'm going to make a TL;DR for you.
We need to live on at least two planets, don't put all your eggs in one planet.
They are saying that space is waste fully being studied when others need clean water. An astrophysicist isn't exactly equipped to take on that task because they studied space, not chemical engineering or something like that.
Oh okay carry on
We need to live on at least two planets, don't put all your eggs in one planet.
Would you ask an astrophysicist to cure cancer?