Honestly, you people make such a huge deal about mundane problems. Listen, a human being cannot live without a problem or two, that's a given. So why do you guys need to glorify and romanticize these things? Do you WANT people to be weak?
Personally I posted this in reguard to the fact that I was raped and beaten a knifepoint and survived to put the man in jail for the rest of his life then carried on with my own life. I really don't consider that mundane.
Just because your problems are trivial don't assume everyone else's are.
· 9 years ago
It made me think of getting through thinking my parents would disown me and kick me out for being gay, and overcoming depressed/suicidal thoughts a few years back. Honestly I wouldn't say I'm a queen, but I've been through shit that I sometimes didn't want to survive. So I appreciate this post. Thank you Celticrose for posting it.
You are welcome. People go through horrible stuff every day, just because some people are blessedly lucky doesn't mean they should assume everyone is. PS, even if your parents were to disown you (wich I highly doubt) you have people who will support you, even if from afar.
· 9 years ago
They didn't, thankfully. We just argue a lot more frequently now because I've stopped lying to appease them.
Just because your problems are trivial don't assume everyone else's are.