While I do agree that a woman should make her own decisions about her body, I am still pro-life because it's a decision that doesnt just affect the woman. Its a decision on whether or not to eliminate a potential human life. However, I do think there are exceptions to this where abortion is necessary. But overall I do not think we should allow abortion to be used as a form of birth control.
I know this is a touchy topic and a lot of people feel strongly about it. Its just my opinion and its okay to disagree with me
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Okay but do you want to ban guys jerking it too? Cause that is millions of potential human lives...
I can see where people who are pro life are coming from but I think abortion should be legally up to first heart beat (3 weeks approx ) because before that the foetus is essentially just a cluster of cells. An abortion should be allowed there after if it is discovered that the foetus is endangering the life of the mother or if if the pregnancy or giving birth could cause longer term of permanent injury .
Yeah I definitely agree with giving the mother the option to abort if carrying or giving birth endangers her own life. Although I agree that potential life starts at fertilization, I can see the argument of allowing it in the first trimester. However, a big reason I am against abortion is because people use it for birth control which I don't think is right at all. I don't think it's okay to abort just because they didn't feel like using a condom. There are so many options of birth control, there's no excuse to not use contraception. And I always hear the argument of "what if the condom breaks? what if birth control fails?" Condoms and birth control are some of the most effective forms of contraception if used correctly. It's pretty unlikely for condom to break or for birth control to fail. And I'm not saying people just shouldn't have sex if they don't want to get pregnant, but they need to understand the risk they are taking too. Just be responsible about it.
I read an article about some women who would regularly have abortions.. Now that shit is wrong. But if you legitimately get pregnant by accident or have some other reason to abort, you should be allowed to.
Exfoliation removes dead skin cells - the exact opposite of a fertilized egg. I was going to insult your intelligence, but it just seems cruel and pointless.
The main argument I hear people make is that a fetus is just a group of cells and that it's not alive until out of the womb. But the thing is, cells are the smallest units of life. How can something just made out of cells not be living when cells are considered living organisms? Sure it's not fully developed, but how does that mean it's not living? Just something to ponder on.
For the most part yes, I think a fetus in the womb is a life just as valuable as a baby. I don't see why it has to be fully developed and out of the womb to be valued.
Also I say "for the most part" because in cases where the mother's life is at risk if she were to continue carrying the baby or give birth to it. In most cases like that, the child isn't likely to live if the mother dies. I think in scenarios like that it is necessary to give the mother the option to abort the child. However if the mother wishes to carry and give birth knowing the risk, then she should be able to do that too.
I know this is a touchy topic and a lot of people feel strongly about it. Its just my opinion and its okay to disagree with me