decent, but overuse message that's already accepted by most people. conversation is obviously scripted and is just one of the many iterations of the original argument. because i AGREE with the point of this post, i will rate it a 3/10 instead of the 0/10 is deserves.
Woah, really? You were able to figure that out? Are you a genius detective? Wow!
· 9 years ago
I think it's really cringy that people will believe that this is actually real
· 9 years ago
Being that it's a mental illness and them accepting and living with it, wouldn't that make it a choice?? Or is there something important that I'm missing. I've always wondered this but it's never come up with my friends. I would appreciate an educated response please!
Being gay isn't a mental illness. Although it used to be seen as one, it no longer appears in the DSM because it doesn't inherently interfere with a person's ability to function and be happy, and therefore doesn't qualify as a disorder. It also can't be "treated" or "cured," and attempts to do so have officially been condemned by psychological organizations like the APA because of all the mental harm they do.
Being gay is not a choice, and it's definitely not a mental illness.
· 9 years ago
There are several mental illness that don't "inherently interfere with a person's ability to function and be happy" and are still classified as a mental illnesses, what makes this one so different? Wouldn't you say that previous attempts to "treat or cure" homosexuality were heavily influenced by religion? Therefore taking away considerabe credibility. With modern day psychiatry (a more professional approach) and medicine, do you believe they could possibly "treat or cure" homosexuality if they attempted to do it again?
Yecharon: Although I don't agree with Korozco's opinion, he is willing to listen to arguments that contradict his opinions, it's more than many are willing to do. Don't condemn someone who is willing to learn.
· 9 years ago
I appreciate your support obscuredangel I really do but I never stated my opinion on the matter. I was simply looking for some persuasion on an issue (whether or not it's a choice) I was uncertain about.
Being gay is not a choice, and it's definitely not a mental illness.