Lets see, getting a job could take care of that. Taking out student loans which are resonable to pay back over certain amount of years is another option, along with the fafsa and grants you can apply for. Or my personal favorite join the military, whether active or reserve you are entitled to a free education after you finish your service.
Let's see, the very second you take out a student loan, it begins to accrue interest at a rate of at least 6%. Over the course of, we'll say 4 years, it adds up to a significant extra sum, on top of your loans, doesn't it? Even modest loans of a few thousand dollars turn into something much more by the time you're done. You may not have to start paying until 6 months after, but the amount will keep on building from the day you take the money out. When the average college debt in the United States is around $30,000, plus that 6%+ interest from day one, maybe getting a job won't be able to fix it so quickly now. Especially if you're a full-time student, difficult enough to find a job, much less find someone willing to give you full-time as a student. Nowadays, it isn't "just a few years" to pay back your loans.
FAFSA is usually only for those demonstrating a significant need for aid. Most grants are too. Have a little more empathy.
Why should I have empathy for those that are not willing to put forth any effort and expect a hand out or a free ride. You have to work for what you want wether that is sucking it up and dealing with the debt over a certain amount of years, getting a job and working hard for your money, or as I said before give back to your country and serve in the military whether active or reserve. If you want something in life you have to put in work don't expect it to be given to you.
Of course college is WAY over priced. Begging definitely won't solve anything though. One suggestion I have is going to a small community college for two years and then transfer to a university if you'd like. You'll save hella money that way
FAFSA is usually only for those demonstrating a significant need for aid. Most grants are too. Have a little more empathy.