The random triple question marks reminds me of one of the SJWs from tumblr. They were saying something like: "but men can't be raped??? You are like triggering me right now??? Like seriously what the fuck???" <-- like that.
I am aware of what you said. I personally don't give a fuck about someone's identity as long as they still call themselves human. I seriously can't stand the "non-human" trend. I don't get why these people don't write a book instead of pretending to be animals or objects.
· 8 years ago
its not that hard to just use someones preferred pronouns though. its not like it affects you in any way other than you just call the person what they want to be called
Can we please not ???
It's not completely shitty??? But whatever man
Each to their own
I said it was meant to be funny, there was no need for fights.
*gives out hippie flower necklaces*