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· 8 years ago
I live in nc, I's because they realize no was gonna show up
· 8 years ago
They aren't the first artists to do this. It started with Bruce Springstein and Ringo Starr and then Pearl Jam and NOW it's Maroon 5. I think it might be because it's easier to refuse to play in one state than it is to do so in an entire country, ya know?
· 8 years ago
Also Stephen Schwartz won't let NC use any of his musicals, Pippin, Wicked...
· 8 years ago
Making a political statement in your own country is much more efficient than trying to change laws or perspectives in some other country.
· 8 years ago
You can't actually go to jail for being gay in Russia but Putin has banned "gay propaganda" and does not allow gay people to adopt but they can still be gay
· 8 years ago
However, these laws have been used in ways that would be highly disagreeable, leading to hate crimes and violence. Transgendered people are also denied driver's licenses. On top of all this, there are no laws preventing discrimination against homosexuals.
· 8 years ago
they aren't "dudes" pissing in the ladies' room, for starters. Seriously grow the fuck up and maybe consider actually educating yourself on subjects like this before making foolish posts about something you know nothing about
· 8 years ago
Since they have been a woman, they can never know what it is like to to be a woman.. They've ever had a period, never been told "you can't do that because you're a girl." Never known the uncomfortableness of wearing a bra; never made less money because they are a woman; never had to get blood stains out of their clothes; never woken up in a puddle of their own blood, etc. Wanting to wear pretty clothes and make up doesn't make you a woman.
· 8 years ago
And a period somehow makes you a woman? My mother got her uterus removed,so no more periods for her. Is she still a woman? Or maybe you meant that silly wage gap thing is what makes you a woman. Get this: it's nonexistent. And I say that AS A WOMAN.
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· 8 years ago
shut up...just shut up. you are ignorant. I have had it with transgenders. I am sick to death of them. You are either a man or a woman depending on your sexual organs and your DNA. There is no way to know what a particular gender feels like unless you are that gender. Leave me alone.
· 8 years ago
"Leave me alone" implies that I'm stalking you,which I'm not. And I think the only ignorant one here is YOU. Why do you give a flying fuck what gender people identify as? IT LITERALLY DOESN'T AFFECT YOU IN ANY FUCKING WAY. And gender is NOT determined by sexual organs; sex is.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Regardless, would it be better if trans people were forced to use the restrooms of the gender they were born with? It would be a terrible and uncomfortable experience for everyone involved.
· 8 years ago
Everybody needs to get over this. Unless you're being murdered or beaten, like other countries, you're doing alright.
· 6 years ago
Boycotting Russia doesn't signal,virtue like boycotting a US state.