Oo a tattoo thread, perfect! I need help ^^ i have a stupid tattoo of a heart (all black) on my wrist which i want covered, i chose the design i wanted but he said it's not possible without compromise (and the compromise looked hideous) so if anyone had any advice or ideas id appreciate it ^^
I love tattoos! I've seen some pretty great cover-ups. My opinion, I would speak with various artists. Just because one says it won't work out doesn't mean it can't be done. I've got a chain link tattoo around my ankle (over a decade old) that I tried to have removed but it was too painful and expensive, so I had another guy I know fix it for me. It's not complete yet. I'm slowly turning it into a charm bracelet to hide some of the original tattoo artist's mistakes.
Thanks for the advice.. I was thinking that, when he said it couldn't be done i wasn't sure if that really meant he couldn't do it. He's new to the shop and i wanted one of the more experienced artists but because it's only small i guess they thought it'd be alright for him.. I don't know any other respectable tattoo shops though >< mah haha