Well he's a dictator so there's that. And he's Turkish on top of it.
· 8 years ago
Why antagonize people just because you don't like what they said? Is he hurting anyone by saying he does not like the picture? No. So spreading the picture just to spite him is doing nothing but proving how immature people can be. This reminds me of when I was a kid and my brother would pinch me because it was funny to see me get hurt. C'mon, we are better than this.
No, he just IMPRISONS people for insulting him. This man literally banned free speech. People like you are the reason asshole tyrants like him can even get power. Fuck you. Get off of this site.
· 8 years ago
Firstly, I do not know who this man is as there is no information in the post. Second, I was saying not to act out like a child. If he truly is incarcerating innocent people, then something more than a mere temper tantrum needs to be done.
Are you retarded?! It literally says, 'turkish dictator erdogan' in the fucking post. You're just one of those idiots who are completely unaware of global affairs. You have no idea what you're talking about, just get the fuck out, you clueless child.
Sure, just let him continue to exist, after all, he isn't really bothering you personally right? He can only trample on the human rights of people in his own country, and everyone outside of it is safe right? Let's pretend that Merkel didn't let Erdogan prosecute a German comedian for making fun of him. Let's pretend that he DOESN'T have enough power to fuck up a shit ton of people's lives. People who call to attention his idiocy are just easily triggered simpletons, right?
I get your disgust, but name calling as part of the presentation of your argument makes any argument you make, however valid it may be, seem like the rantings of a child throwing a tantrum. Now, as an Anerican citizen do you think that you should have a say in what heads of foreign state can and cannot say or do?
As a person who understands basic human rights, I believe that Erdogan's severe actions against people, through the banning of news networks that don't directly support him, to jailing police officers who revealed his corruption, to trying to arrest non Turkish citizens for insulting him, are unacceptable. What I say here cannot change anything, and I understand that, but this 'it's not our business anyway' mentality is what causes regimes like Erdogan's to begin. Once heralded as the only 'modern' Islamic nation, Turkey, under Erdogan's guidance will become another Iran or Afghanistan. This is bad because of their geographic location and military strength, which could cause Turkey to become one of the most dangerous dictatorships today. Seeing as how even now we are at war with much smaller Middle Eastern nations, imagine the problems that can arise if Erdogan is allowed to abuse his power any longer.
Yea I'm not saying the USA should intervene, I'm saying everyone should stop taking Erdogan's shit BEFORE the US feels the need to do that annoying world police shit.
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