I commonly say that America should use the metric system but I disagree with using Celsius over Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit allows for more precise readings for temperature.
"Fahrenheit allows for more precise readings for temperature." - Uhm, hardly... thanks to the metric system, the limit of precision of the Celsius system is only determined by the measuring instrument. How much more precise than 0,1 ° Celsius do you need? 0,01°C? 0,001°C?
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Sorry about that, I should have worded that differently. I meant for if you're measuring the temperature outside it's a bit more intuitive. 0 means cold and 100 means hot you don't have to use decimals to measure the temperature outside. For Celsius, 0 means cold and 100 you're very dead, I meant for the outside temperature not for the other fields of science.
P.S. kelvin is just Celsius plus 273 so that 0 is absolute 0.
· 8 years ago
Sorry if I ticked people off with my first comment. My bad for not wording my thoughts correctly.
So instead of "more precise" you may rather have said " more like I'm used to". As for intuitive: water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C. 0°C is pretty cold, 0°F is too fucking cold, therefore its a minus degree in Celsius.
Wait...you want to need to learn both Fahrenheit and Celsius so one can be used for science and the other for temperature? Wouldn't it make sense to just use the one majority of the world uses?
P.S. kelvin is just Celsius plus 273 so that 0 is absolute 0.