Actually, Rosa Parks was not the first person to do this. A young girl a couple weeks earlier had refused to move, so Parks and the civil rights group she was in decided to do the same thing. But she's still an amazing woman!
I was taught that she was in the "black" section of the bus and the bus was full to the point where there was no seats available. Then the reason didn't she move because was tired? I know later on in they did to it to protest against the segregation buses and for her release from jail. Do you by chance have a source for the young girl that didn't move?
Rosa parks was going against an injustice where was the injustice in charlotte except for the injustice done against the cops.Any time the blacks not all of them other colors too think there was an injustice they use it as an excuse and oppurtunity to loot and act like animals and the goverment lets them. If charlottes situation was back then the government would have fucked them up and would have been right for doing so. There is no excuse for looting, vandalizing, fighting, raping, and murder