If she sent them to people, she is also distributing them. She had 500 printed out and sent them. She allegedly has 30 boys doing her bidding, so she at least has 30 separate pictures. They can do each picture as a separate charge which means 30 counts of possession and 500 counts of distribution.
Sending it to one receiver is distribution. When that revceiver is a minor, that's worse. However, her holding and distributing the pics, plus blackmailing the boys should get her into pretty severe trouble as well, I call this story disjointed from facts. Or iow bullshit.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
I just turned twenty and it scares me how shitty boys just a few years younger than me are. I don't remember any girls in high school just getting waves of dick pics from guys out of the blue. Unless stories like this are just fake. Who knows?
I'm not going to of course