Typically the police do not advertise their investigations. The general public usually does not know anything until Johnny Law makes an arrest so...
The only exceptions would be if someone in a position of trust and authority (say, a teacher, doctor, police officer) were under investigation and were placed on leave pending the outcome of the investigation. Even then the police do not advertise their intentions, but the school board would obviously know, and it's impossible to keep people from gossiping.
Of course if the person is arrested, charged, tried, and found innocent their life is still ruined. To your typical idiot on the avenue a rumor is as good as a conviction.
Woman alleged miscinduct against one of the Buffalo Sabres. She and her lawyer actually publicized the whole thing. In the end she falsified evidence and was trying for a settlement.
Even if you were to pass a law banning anyone to speak about such an investigation I don't see how you would stop such BS. Humans love to gossip and we seem to naturally believe the worst about others. Many lives have been ruined because of lies and unsubstantiated rumors. Sad.
Luckily I've always been guilty of everything I've been accused of!
Sucks when people ( mainly on tumblr ) make callout posts and people always believe the victim so they reblog and share the hell out of it then turns out it was something like " yeah they sexually assaulted me. They kissed me when we were dating WITHOUT asking. "
· 8 years ago
As a huge supporter of the Innocence Project, I believe that everyone accused of a crime should be anonymous until *coughs* proven 'guilty'. Public perception/exposure/coverage often sways ignorant people into ruining the lives of innocent people even after they are exonerated. Just for the record, this hasn't happened to me or someone I know. Just something I see perpetuated in the media and court of public opinion/ignorance.
Hmm, you should keep in consideration that the media is also often used to call out to the public. Often victims come forward once the case is out in the open because they didn't dare to stand up before or witnesses who didn't know where to go with what they saw.
· 8 years ago
I get that, but the media coverage still tarnishes a person's record and future. It's almost like guilty anyway at that point for all of the damage it does.
Yeah unfortunately the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing works the other way around in reality. As house speaker Tom Foley so famously stated, and the rest of the Democrats and media parroted relentlessly during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings: "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters."
I had a friend who was investigated on a terrorism related incident even though she was completely innocent. They found out she had nothing to do with it, but would you really want something like that shadowing on your life ?
Assholes like you are why people post/comment as guests. I've had more than one funsub account and always end up leaving because of users who shit all over guests. Go ahead and retaliate, I'll never have to see it!
The only exceptions would be if someone in a position of trust and authority (say, a teacher, doctor, police officer) were under investigation and were placed on leave pending the outcome of the investigation. Even then the police do not advertise their intentions, but the school board would obviously know, and it's impossible to keep people from gossiping.
Of course if the person is arrested, charged, tried, and found innocent their life is still ruined. To your typical idiot on the avenue a rumor is as good as a conviction.
Luckily I've always been guilty of everything I've been accused of!