And people look at Kim and Kanye for #relationshipgoals
· 8 years ago
Can someone explain to me what hospice is? Or tell me if it's essentially a death sentence? My great grandmother passed away recently after hospice and now it's being considered for my grandfather and I just feel like it's giving up from what I've heard.
Usually, it's a place that cares for people who are terminally ill. Like if you go there, you are probably very sick, and will not survive.
· 8 years ago
So they don't move the process along faster? With my gran they gave her a lot of pain medication and took her off a lot of others and that's essentially how she died. But my grandpa isn't in pain really, and yea, he has cancer, but he's not "there" yet.
· 8 years ago
I'm sorry to hear about your Nan passing away and about your Grandad having cancer. With hospices most of the time the people who are considering them choose them because they don't want to burden their families about caring for them in their last days/weeks/months of their lives. They don't speed up the process because it's believed to be "unethical", the same as euthanasia. I personally believe that if someone is suffering that much with a terminal illness or similar and they can't end their lives themselves then they should be given assistance as long is its all done properly with a Doctor/Doctors and with a lawyer present.