The heartache of my life was when I was in the middle of a gym battle in Pokémon Soul Silver. I'd been playing for hours without saving -such an idiotic idea- and the DS started flashing red. I couldn't run away from the battle, obviously; the bloody Gyarados refused to faint (I blame Full Restores), and my charger had suddenly decided to play hide-and-seek. Ultimately, I lost all the data when the system blacked out. Moral of my tale: save the fucking game every so often because, my god, you'll regret it if you don't.
· 8 years ago
The exact same thing has happened to me before in the past, but that was when I was still a newbie and I played Pokémon Diamond. I had gotten sooooo far and I forgot to save as well. I hope they add an automatic saving feature at some point but maybe that's not such a good idea.