Just got back from a visit to Hiroshima: A young boy named Kenjiro came up to me and my husband and asked if we were American. We said yes, and he gave us both a hug gave gave us a card he made saying "make peace, not war." Gah--my feels
Plus, Japan had civilians mobilized to resist the impending US invasion of the Japanese mainland. The planners counted on hundreds of thousands of American soldiers dead and millions of Japanese soldiers and civilians dead. That was to end the war that *Japan started* by bombing Peral Harbor.
It looks like whoever drew the cartoon is either ignorant of the facts, willingly ignored them, or believes that if someone starts a war with you, you should fight only half-assedly, sending your soldiers to die but not actually try to win and end the conflict.
Well he had never even heard of the attack on Pearl Harbor. They don't mention it at in their schools. And though we warred like the Native Americans which they thought meant we would cut out their hearts and eat them and all this other barbaric and cannibalistic things. And he didn't know about the Japanese officers that would shoot the soldiers and women and children if they wouldn't die in battle or commit suicide.
One of the ugliest and most horrific episodes is referred to as the "Rape of Nanking." The Japanese soldiers that took over that city in China did a lot of terrible things, one of which was to play game where one would toss a baby and another would try to catch it on his bayonet.
Hypothetically? Yes.
But reality ain't that simple.
· 8 years ago
not terrorist attack. they declared war on us, we retaliated. terrorist attacks are unwarranted political moves to destabilize the countries they affect.
Everything is about perspectives. Terrorists may think they're doing things for the greater good, just as we did when we bombed Hiroshima. Just a thought
· 8 years ago
we didn't do it for some misguided greater good. they attacked us unwarranted on our own soil. we had to fight back or it would happen again. this was WWII they were taking over countries. they were raping, torturing and killing while on that path. honestly if anything they were the terrorists. terrorism is political.
It looks like whoever drew the cartoon is either ignorant of the facts, willingly ignored them, or believes that if someone starts a war with you, you should fight only half-assedly, sending your soldiers to die but not actually try to win and end the conflict.
Would this justify everyone sending their nukes to USA?
But reality ain't that simple.
Nuclear bomb's radioactivity is what makes it so ugly!