I have a single mom, but me and my sister both have laptops, go to good schools, and we mobile devices....
My sister has a flatscreen(small af tho, not complaining) and I have a high-end laptop.
Yet we always have little to no money.
It may not be the phone that I wanted, but I know it took a lot for my mum to get it for me, so I appreciate it.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
you may not truly understand what your parents did for you until you are in your late 20's to 30's. i always make sure to let my parents know they did good and i had a great childhood. they did well.
I have a single mom, but me and my sister both have laptops, go to good schools, and we mobile devices....
My sister has a flatscreen(small af tho, not complaining) and I have a high-end laptop.
Yet we always have little to no money.
Except he's too busy playing a game of Where's Waldo