Alright, this has been bugging me lately. Everyone seems to have an opinion on other peoples protests and how they're not doing it right. What IS the proper protest, and more importantly, why does it have to fit into YOUR special box of what's acceptable. And I don't mean just you, this is a general question on why the hell people are so picky about how others protest.
I see what you're saying cricket. I think that when people protest, they shouldn't look silly doing it. Lots of these protests do just that. Last week there was a protest in front of pence's house where people protested by dancing horribly. And there was another where people went into a building owned by trump (I think it was a restaurant) where they just coughed everywhere. I don't think there's necessarily a right way to protest, but there's definitely a wrong way.
· 8 years ago
that was my point publius. you are correct entirely. if you are going to look like a fool how can you be taken seriously? if you can't take your protest seriously, how can it be viewed as an important issue? i personally find protesting useless. not much is ever solved with protest. many issues that are truly there, are already known. you don't need to raise awareness, you need to start action. protesting hunger doesn't work, feeding the hungry does. protests are the work of the lazy, fixing the issues are what, well, fixes the issues. like right here. they are protesting Trump's presidency. well, what is their end game? we know you are angry, you've been whining all year.
But by looking like a fool, don't you end up getting more media attention, therefore furthering the cause? Would you have heard about the lgbtq protesters if they didn't go about it in that way? Peaceful protests get no coverage, in this millenia of click bait trash how do you compete? With a headline of something outragous, or one that falls in line with whats been done a million times before?
The only protests I have an issue with, are ones with riots, looters, and general endangerment of innocent people. Other than that, I think it's fair game.
In the case of the Trump protesters, I think most are saying "I'm not a fan of yours, but I still should be represented. Remember us when you make a law that effects us."
You have a good point about bringing more attention. But then you see the weird stuff they're doing and the attention can easily be diverted from their message to their strange actions. I hope that makes sense. But idk, that's just how I personally see it.
But that brings up the conversation, and anyone who reads more than the headline is able to help spread that message.
Plus gay rights activists are known for being over the top. Most often the bigotry they face is based on people being uncomfortable around them so they bring that discomfort to the door step of whomever their fighting.
I do get what you're saying, however I think these odd protests are the best way of combating the news. They make a scene to make their cause known.
· 8 years ago
i honestly think one of the reasons people have problems with gays are from their protests. if you are trying to tell me it is more than just about sex why are you prancing around like some sexual deviant? if people don't want their little boys around gays, say as a boy-scout leader. prancing around dressed like a unicorn with a dildo on your head while sucking on dick shaped lollipops isn't going to make them feel more comfortable about it.
If you are faced with something uncomfortable all the time, it eventually is normalized. That's how you cure a racists, you put them around other races and the scary unknown aspect, is no longer scary because you have a friend in that demographic.
· 8 years ago
or you make people so uncomfortable or disturbed they get angry. eventually you get fed up. lets put it this way. if every day you walk out of your house and some guy exposes his butthole to you. unwiped and smelling like a portajohn. first you ignore it. after a month are you comfortable with it or are you going to do something about it? how about if he does it to your kids? now i am not saying i have problems with gays, i am just saying things that disturb people wont get normalized, they get angry. sometimes violent.
I see your point, though I don't think it warrents a down vote for expressing my opinion. We were having a nice conversation.
I see your point, though I doubt those people are looking for representation. They probably don't even know where they are.
But isn't this entire hate for sjw and political correctness based around the fact that people want to say what they want to say, and not be shamed or have a group of people upset at them and demonize them? How can someone be for political incorrectness and have any merit hating on a parade? Idk the way I see it at least their doing something....
Regardless, i see your point. People could tone it down, but I think emotions and tensions get high and things escalate ect.
· 8 years ago
i rarely down vote when people are commenting as reply to me. it must have been someone else. could still be though. i honestly don't remember at this point, but i don't often do that. problem is that SJW works primarily to shutting down conversation, rather than encourage it. that is where most the hate comes from. we should be able to continue conversation and reach a middle ground to be able to reach unity. instead the conversation gets shut down and insults thrown. the more civil and intelligent the conversation the more we reach acceptance. the way to get things done is encourage intelligent, open conversation. we need to understand each other and not encourage anger. if you want to change the way things are, you have to be the stronger one. you have to take the insults. you need to take the high road and stay calm. people are uncomfortable with change. they need strong guidance.
So he shook his tambourine, waved his rainbow flag . . . and accomplished NOTHING.
Odin promised to rid the world of ice giants.
See any? That's how you take care of business!
Hail ODIN!
The only protests I have an issue with, are ones with riots, looters, and general endangerment of innocent people. Other than that, I think it's fair game.
In the case of the Trump protesters, I think most are saying "I'm not a fan of yours, but I still should be represented. Remember us when you make a law that effects us."
Plus gay rights activists are known for being over the top. Most often the bigotry they face is based on people being uncomfortable around them so they bring that discomfort to the door step of whomever their fighting.
I do get what you're saying, however I think these odd protests are the best way of combating the news. They make a scene to make their cause known.
I see your point, though I doubt those people are looking for representation. They probably don't even know where they are.
But isn't this entire hate for sjw and political correctness based around the fact that people want to say what they want to say, and not be shamed or have a group of people upset at them and demonize them? How can someone be for political incorrectness and have any merit hating on a parade? Idk the way I see it at least their doing something....
Well said sir, you win.
Odin promised to rid the world of ice giants.
See any? That's how you take care of business!
Hail ODIN!