Yea, usually this type of arrangement is very one-sided. Mostly there's a lover and a beloved, and the beloved makes the rules while the lover plays along as long as s/he can. Friends with benefits or fuck buddy arrangements are quite rare actually, it's mostly one person hoping for more and one person ignoring that.
much as I hate it, this is the norm now. peeps want all the benefits of a relationship, but don't want to call it anything. at the first sign of trouble (i.e. any awkward situation that may cause discomfort), they can play the "we're not dating" card and bail out.
I've learned to stay away from these people, but it cost me dearly until I understood they are the ones who are unable to cope
Unfortunately there's always that lingering "did I do enough?" feeling.
I've learned to stay away from these people, but it cost me dearly until I understood they are the ones who are unable to cope
Unfortunately there's always that lingering "did I do enough?" feeling.