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· 8 years ago
College education cannot be free someone has to pay for it. Making it low would mean that the government needs to stop getting into it and allowing people to take out loans. We have no fair way that we could pay for this. Taking money from the rich is not fair and people do not wanna pay for someone else college. I am sorry but it just doesnt work out in a country this large.
· 8 years ago
i was going to pop up and say this. the fault in free college is that not all people who go care enough to complete it. for many going to college it is a waste of money. they don't care, they have no drive. they'd go for a few months then drop out. only to go again in a few years and do it again. it would be a money pit. making people pay for it weeds out the people who don't care. well, least a little. the fact is, the less the government gets involved the better things become. we just need them there with a light touch to keep things in check. leave the people to the people.
· 8 years ago
completely agree
· 8 years ago
Is everything equal when you compete for jobs against people who all have the same degree, and only tenure in a field, connections, and social skills differentiate candidates? Do college grads not struggle to find employment in their field because it's competitive with the existing degrees out there? Never met barista with a masters? The public college system, already known for ample funding and not being crowded. Yes, you can get a degree from a college ran with the same care as our renowned public k-12 schools. America turns out more and higher skilled high level knowledge professionals than any other country. We make more scientists than there are labs And where do we get the money when Americans already won't fund healthcare everyone needs? Cut funding elsewhere? Lose the jobs generated by other spending so there are less jobs? Do we just give those layoffs jobs as teachers? Think free public school teacher pays the same as aerospace engineer? We can't pay our teachers as is.
· 8 years ago
Does anyone truly fear fucking Denmark let's be honest here
· 8 years ago
Not everyone who goes to college is smart.
· 8 years ago
Where the Hell is that monly supposeD tof come from? Do you even economics?