I enjoyed this film but I found this incredibly unrealistic. engineering is one of the most sought out fields in America, most engineering contracts are outsourced simply due to lack of candidates. plus in the film he was a former criminal but honestly it was just put there for comedy. now if he'd majored in philosophy I would understand
· 8 years ago
To legally be an engineer you need to have a license so you can practice. It's really hard if not impossible to maintain that licence when you are a convicted felon not to mention how you are pretty much blacklisted when you're a convict.
New York does not allow you to not hire somebody simply for being a felon, we are not even allowed to ask anymore. Then they require background checks for certain contracts. ("You must work with felons, but we refuse to" seems to be their thing)
As an engineer myself, I can tell you, you don't need a license. And electrical engineers are in high demand.
You -can- get a PE (professional engineer) cert, but it's hardly a "requirement" for many places. Its a nice little gold star next to your name though.
You -can- get a PE (professional engineer) cert, but it's hardly a "requirement" for many places. Its a nice little gold star next to your name though.