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· 8 years ago
i am in pain. everyday. my skin, joints and insides hurt. i am taking medication to fix my nerve problems. not a day goes by where i wont cringe at the pain i feel. i have grown used to it. when my wife gets hurt i feel bad for her, where i know it isn't the level i feel everyday, i know she isn't used to the pain. so i understand it will effect her more than it would myself. on top of that my father has bad spinal problems from a life of experience and hard work. almost all of his vertebra has bulges or ruptures. even has no cartilage between two to them. he will go into tears just sitting for to long. i can't pity my own pain, because it doesn't compare to his. if he can get up and mow the lawn (before i can get to it) i can wake up everyday and bust my ass. we all sit at different levels. try your best at the level you are at.