'Hello. I would like you to murder 20 people on this train and collect their books as proof. In return, I'll give you an old turkey sandwich I found in my back pocket.'
I forgot, was that the one with the game-crashing chat messages, the immediate something between 8-20-gigabyte ''''update'''', or the one that was buggy, but playable?
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
New sidequest: "Hey I got some guys that need killing around here. problem is it's everyone. If you kill everyone here I'll give you this half used cigarette." >Accept Refuse
'Vehicular Manslaughter'
'Vehicular Manslaughter'
Reward: Turkey Sandwich
New map! Courtroom!
New map! Prison!
...this whole conversation is serious making me think about Tony hawk pro skater 4 xD