Not everyone who hates kids is a jerk. Kids scare the hell out of me most of the time. They're very unpredictable and can be very annoying,especially when their god awful parents are irresponsible fuckwits -_-
I don't know, it still seems off to me. I can understand if they are scared to be a parent, or if they don't have enough money, or whatever other reason, but imo kids are awesome and everyone should be proud if they ever have them.
That's just me being old fashioned though
I haven't met many predictable children that were younger than 10
Like y'all can have whatever opinion you want,I don't give a shit,but I just will never see the appeal.
Yeah. Kids are random but you can usually keep them contained and taken care of.
If my kid ever bad mouths me though... I'll have my wife punish him. (I probably won't be able to punish my kids until they are at least 10, maybe 11)
Orrr you can just control your offspring and prevent them from mouthing off in the first place
· 8 years ago
That never stopped me. Around age 11 or 12, I started cursing in private or around my friends. Today I curse like sailor, just not around adults or new people.
Lucky bastard. I once said the word "pissed" while arguing with my mom and almost got my phone taken.
· 8 years ago
Me and my mother get into shouting matches every now and again and we both curse like sailors. Now that I think of it, I think that's where I got it from.
I agree with @rwby_rose I don't understand the appeal of them. All they do is cry, scream, shout, poop everywhere, act like little shits, they're rude and ungrateful and they make you poor af. Waste of time, waste of money and a waste of a life. IMO. Sorry if I come off as a jerk but I'd rather be honest.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
That's just me. Maybe I don't want my family tree to end at me ya know?
First and most importantly, I don't want to get married. I'm certain I'll be unhappy in a relationship and I don't want to burden anyone else with that and I don't want to put myself through that.
I don't want to have a baby or young child because I don't want to teach them how to human; I just don't have the patience to do that. I don't want to have to stupid-proof my abode, toilet-train them, and teach them how to eat.
This leaves the only obvious solution of adopting a ~12 year old. But I also don't want to be responsible for someone I don't [yet] care about.
That's just me being old fashioned though
Like y'all can have whatever opinion you want,I don't give a shit,but I just will never see the appeal.
If my kid ever bad mouths me though... I'll have my wife punish him. (I probably won't be able to punish my kids until they are at least 10, maybe 11)
I don't want to have a baby or young child because I don't want to teach them how to human; I just don't have the patience to do that. I don't want to have to stupid-proof my abode, toilet-train them, and teach them how to eat.
This leaves the only obvious solution of adopting a ~12 year old. But I also don't want to be responsible for someone I don't [yet] care about.