You can also eat it. There's many ways to take it without the harmful effect on your lungs.
· 8 years ago
@i_ you don't need to smoke it. you can eat it, vaporize it etc without the don't burn anything with this 2 methods, so you get just the thc and other stuff while you don't get the dangerous stuff you would have if you would burn it
· 8 years ago
Yeah I know it helps relieve some of the symptoms and can help increase appetite.
then i bring up tommy chong and his battle with cancer. if a person from the cheech and chong can get cancer, i don't think it is working. though studies have found it helps people keep up with chemo treatments. i also remember a non-THC marijuana that reduced liver inflammation. i just hope we can get real true studies. to many propaganda studies, from both sides. some want to say it is a miracle drug that cures everything, the other says it doesn't do anything. we need real studies, with real results. i am against pot because i don't like people being inhibited, but if it can help people, i want it to help people.
So basically treat it like morphine. Condemn the casual use but use it medically as needed.
· 8 years ago
yes, that is my stance. many people don't like me for it, but i hate seeing so many people causing problems because they are inhibited all the time. where i know good people who are high, and good people that are drunk. i also know way to many people who are useless or horrible people when on drugs. many people talked about the medicinal purposes and that is why they wanted it legal, but the fact is they don't care about that, they just want to get high. bragging about how much you smoke or how often you do it shouldn't be grounds for admiration. you are constantly doing a drug, you have an addiction. should we be admiring the crackhead or the heroin users? should we encourage the drunk? once in a while i can stand, but 5 times a day, that is an issue.
I feel the same way but I think there would be some difficulties in regulating it's use. I also think there would be addiction problems once the patient is better, it's just like with morphine. Because once you're off of it you start to get comedown symptoms such as nausea, terrible stomach cramps & major body ache (I know the symptoms cus my husband had morphine after he had his AV fistula put in his arm) and so you take more to ease them off and with cannabis although yes the symptoms aren't the same as a morphine comedown the same still applies. You get irritable, have sleep troubles, craving more, symptoms of depression and anger. People say cannabis isn't that addictive but it is. Heavy long term use of it changes people. From my experience it turns them into liars, makes them unreliable and forgetful & really in debt. I believe there would have to be measures put in place to wean patients off of their medicinal cannabis and regular checks to make sure that they're not addicted.
· 8 years ago
did you ever have try'd cannabis? you don't really have problems with addiction from cannabis.. if you take it as an example for a few months (every day), you can easy just stop to consume it. you will have for like 1 week problems with sleeping well and you don't feel really well.. but after one week the sympthoms are gone away and you're fine. i know this from my own experience. cannabis is BETER than morphine or other medical drugs if you ask me.. most of them gonna get you more problems and trouble you would'nt have without them.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Yeah I've tried it. All it did was make me hungry lol. Listen, I live in an area that a full of weed heads (not my choice). They're all the same. Unreliable, in debt to their dealers and are habitual liars. Cannabis is OK if you're not constantly taking it like so many people around here where I live do. You have to control it and not let it control you. I think it's great that you've got a handle on it and I'm not digging on people for consuming it but I'm digging on the people who are heavily on it and in controls their lives and become really paranoid.
· 8 years ago
the problem with people you describe is often not the weed, it's other stuff. if people have problems (in debt, social fears usw).. they search a way to get rid of it easy. most of them then take weed to get rid of this stuff.. and because they don't solve their problems, they took weed more and more. but thats not a body-addiction.. it's a mental addiction. if these people would solve their problems or just decide to stop to consume weed, they wouldn't have much problems with stop it. but if they would took medical drugs..they would have problems because their body is addicted to these chemicals. thats what is the positive aspect of weed.. you'r body don't get addicted to it.. you "just like it to be high" because you can run away from your problems easy while be high. but if people don't have weed, they search other ways to run away from their problems.. it's not the cannabis fault that people use it to run away from their fears and problems.
You dont get addicted to marijuana ive known several people who have smoked for years and then stopped one day to the next. Also i know many potheads and none of them are in debt they are actually all hardworking people who are reliable and responsible.
· 8 years ago
It depends on the environment I think. I live on a council estate (sadly)
· 8 years ago
you can't tell me it isn't addictive when so many people were risking to go to jail for years just to smoke a joint. then top of that. people smoke weed more frequently than an alcoholic drinks beer, yet smoking weed is celebrated. these are issues. why do people applaud one addiction yet criticize another? as much as people want to disagree about it, it IS a gateway drug. i knew people who turned to meth and synthetics just to get a stronger high. yes, it isn't everyone, but some do. just like not every person that takes a shot of jack will turn to an alcoholic, but some do.
· 8 years ago
just shut up. it IS NOT a gateway drug. the fact that you say this, tell all users here you don't have any plan from what you are talking from. there are a lots of studys who tell you 100% that it is NOT a gateway drug. please guy/girl.. get your facts before you write down what you THINK it is and tell other IT IS like you THINK it is. it's not like you think it is. you're wrong.
1) cannabis / weed is no gateway drug. just because people take it and then switch to other drugs make it not a gateway drug. 100% of the people who had a accidentalong their lifes drank water.. make this water a gateway drug to accidents? no. just because some people do / take something, and then they do another stuff this makes it not a gateway drug. there are several studys who will tell you that cannabis / weed is not a gateway drug.
2) cannabis / weed is less harmfull then alcohol. there are studys about it. read it. please.
3) in some locations on earth cannabis and weed is legalized [...]
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
[...] without problems. even the rate of criminals & accidents are lower in this locations AFTER the legalisation. and the rate of people who consum weed / cannabis is's not increased or anything. it's not like after legalisations everyone gonna say "yes, now i can consume the s*** out of it and go never to my job anymore" or someting. the people consum weed, but they to it with responsibility. the legalisation is GOOD for this locations, and even gets the country more cash because tax and stuff.
4) weed / cannabis DON'T makes addicted in a body-way. if you take alcohol as an example.. alcohol makes the body addicted. if you don't get alcohol, you're body makes trouble, you get agressive etc.. this is because your BODY is addicted. but if you take weed / cannabis as an example.. this will just makes you MENTALY addicted.. as in "i want weed because it's a nice feeling". you WANT to take more of it, but if you would stop it, you could without big problems [...]
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
[...] (except sleep problems and a few other things who are done after like one week).
to make it short - weed / cannabis is NOT bad. it help's a lot of people who are ill / sick. cannabis is a nice medicine for this people, and for normal people it's a nice thing too who don't really hurt the country in any way. IF you take it with responsibility. if you don't, thats not the fault of weed / cannabis.. it's the fault of the guy / girl who do it wrong. you can't even take stuff who are legal without responsibility and hurt you or others with it. thats not the fault of the tool you use for it. please, get informations about a topic before you write anything without really have fact & infos about a topic. it's not helping anyone if you spread wrong informations. thanks
· 8 years ago
my own brother who has taken and sold more drugs than you ever heard about even admitted to this. you seek a bigger high. just like my best friends mom who turned to meth. they wanted a bigger and stronger high. these two people have admitted to me that if the didn't start smoking weed it would have never escalated. that tells me that you are following the typical propaganda. if you say pot isn't a gateway drug, then you are saying beer doesn't introduce people to stronger drinks when people want to get drunker faster. i love that "3) in some locations on earth cannabis and weed is legalized" ya, like north korea, where they promote it to get their citizens to be more docile and excepting of their hell-hole of a country. i not going to argue about this to someone who can't accept that their little miracle drug has faults. not all use it as a gateway drug, but some do. i even clarified that in my prior comment. this was literally real people that i know personally. not some BS study.
· 8 years ago
listen. just because people you know "seek a bigger high", you can't add this attribute to everyone. i took weed for like 5 months everyday, and i didn't seeked a higher high. friends from me neither. IF a person seek a higher high, thats not the fault of weed / cannabis. it's the faul of the person who do this. if a person want's a bigger high, thats not the fault of weed. there are lots of people who consume cannabis and DON'T seek for a bigger high, because they consume weed to chill and relax (or get away from pain). most people you gonna see in the country just want to relax after a hard work/school day. these peoples don't want a bigger high. the high you get from weed / cannabis is already good enough. sure, there are people who want more.. but these people would want the same without cannabis. if there would be no cannabis, they would take alcohol and think the same ("i want more!").. i think you don't understand that this attribute of "i want more" have NOTHING to do with weed
· 8 years ago
+ just because it's legal in nord korea, this don't means that this is the only country where it is legal. it's even legal in the usa @ some locations like california. and the people there are fine. i don't mean nord korea in my posts, i mean california etc.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
"listen. just because people you know "seek a bigger high", you can't add this attribute to everyone." i am not. let me quote myself here... twice. "yes, it isn't everyone, but some do" "not all use it as a gateway drug, but some do." in both of my replies i made a point to say it isn't everyone. just like not all drinkers of beer are alcoholics. if you can't sober up enough to read a few simple lines of text, how are we going to have a conversation. i am starting to think weed actually DOES kill brain cells. not for everyone, but at least in your case. let's make this easy for you some səm/ 1. an unspecified amount or number of. "I made some money running errands" all ôl/ 1. used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.
· 8 years ago
okay to make it clear. 1) weed is no gateway drug. there are studys + experiences from people all around the world about this topic. 2) that your friends had problems with drugs, don't mean that everyone will have problems with drugs. most of the people who use cannabis DON'T want a higher high because the high you get from weed is already good enough. AND a "to big high" is too not really's the exactly opposite of enjoyable. i took like a year ago too much weed, and it was not really enjoyable.. it was a horrible crap experience to have to "bigger high". if you balance the amount you take carefully, you have a good experience, if you take too much, not. if you don't trust me.. test it out for yourself. if your friends really wanted are higher high, then they are fools and don't have much respect for drugs. 3) wayne what you say, weed is not bad. it's (proofen) bether than alcohol, have less damage to the economy & people and helps humans who have pain.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
i added it because some people use it as a gateway drug. that some people, that are given the option to smoke weed, will like it and say to themselves "wow, i wonder if i can get even more high than this" so they try different strands of marijuana until that isn't quite enough and they try something stronger. that stronger drug may be chemically addictive. next thing you know they are smoking crack. this isn't everyone, but it applies to some. hundreds of millions of people drink alcoholic, you can even say billions do, and they don't turn to drunks. but some do. alcohol leads some people to become a lush and drink everyday, multiple times a day (like a typical pot user does with weed). it is in all intents and purposes a gateway drug. i literally leads to people to do other drugs. without the first drug it doesn't escalate to using stronger drugs. wow this is like trying to talk to a child. i mean i keep saying the same thing, just dumbing it down further and you still can't grasp it
· 8 years ago
you just forget one thing in this argumentation - the humans use drugs since we can think. we have a lots of variation of drugs who are legally & have a effect (mental and physically). this drugs have the same effect as other, non legal drugs.. if someone consume it, they will MAYBE think "i wanna more effect". but that would happen with ALL stuff that is nice. everything can make addicted.. it just needs to be nice / good feeling for a human. and if you now take weed, good tasting food, sport (adrenaline), collection of toys (collection junkies) or other stuff.. you will always have humans who want more. but thats in the human nature.. not the fault of the drug. you can abuse everything..
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
example: you can use a knife to kill someone.. or you eat with it. you can drive slowly and responsibily, or you can drive over the speed limits and hurt or kill someone with it. you can jump from cliffs because you want a higher adrenalin kick and die from it.. or you can jump just in the pool from safe 30cm above the ground. it's about what you do.. not what you use. and most of the people out there CAN USE IT WITH RESPONSIBILITY and don't abuse it. 90% of the people i know who consume weed just want to relax after a hard day (alone or with friends).. they don't want a higher high. they don't want to f*ck their brains out with more and more effects from drugs. they just want to chill. nothing more.
· 8 years ago
if you now really wanna disallow weed because you CAN abuse it.. then you need to forbid everything on planet because you can hurt and die from every tool you can find. you just need to use it in the wrong way. to disallow stuff just because some crazy people can't use the tools they are given correctly, means you punish everyone just because there are some crazy people out there who have problems and don't want to fix them. most of the people who have (mental or other) problems consum drugs to flee from their problems.. we should help these peoples. but not by disallow drugs.. more with HELPING them solve their problems. the problems they initialy have are the origin of their addiction of drugs.. this should get fixed.. disallow a tool someone use to try to flee from their problems is not helping.. it makes it just worse because they now have their problems & do illegaly stuff (consume drugs who are considered illegal). thats not helping. thats make it worse.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
i am just exposing the fallacy that pot is some perfect drug that can do no wrong. there is plenty wrong and it is sad that people rely on it because they can't accept a little inconvenience in their lives. the average user is an abuser. if you take a drug daily to escape, you have a dependency, an addiction. chemical or emotional, it is an addiction. i have a co-worker that is working to be a cop. he smokes like a chimney. he is working on quitting pot due to that goal. he is struggling with it, because he is dependent on it. like a fat kid eating snickers everyday. the day you want to quit, you'll get a craving. you have to work your way down from it. i know of no other drug that is celebrated the way pot is. ya, some do with alcohol, but even the alcohol drinkers will talk to their buddy if they start hitting a 6-pack a day. you are trying so hard to validate your addiction that you refuse any and all logic. should i just blame that on the pot too?
· 8 years ago
inhibitions that take over your life is not a good thing. like a compulsive masturbater that has to clear his calendar to binge the recent list on the local redtube. he has issues. many pot heads can't go through a whole 8 hour shift without trying to blaze it in the bathroom or the back hallway. i have never worked with a pothead that didn't smoke up at work. out of the hundreds of coworkers i had over the years i have never knew of one that smoked pot, but didn't at work. i only had 2 co-workers to drink on the job. 1 that did coke, but he was one that drank on the job, and the only one i knew that did coke. good news he never smoked weed that i know of... maybe he moved up from that sort of thing. who needs weed when you have coke and brandy.
· 8 years ago
uhm.. i don't have a addiction. i took it for like 6 months, and then just don't took it anymore. there is no addiction on my side. i took it to relax, and now i just don't take it anymore. i'm not addicted, even if i took it for a long time. the addiction you get with weed is just mentaly.. you think for yourself "it's feeling good.. why i should stop it?".. but if you just decide to stop, you can do this easy without big problems. you will have a little sleep problems and your stomach will a rumble a little.. but that's all. there is no hard body reaction if you don't take weed anymore. you say there is plenty wrong - what as an example? i don't say weed is 100% good and cool, but it's less harmfull then alcohol & would be a beter alternative. alcohol makes agressive.. weed not. there are much good reasons for weed, for alocohl not. alcohol is legal, weed not - why? THIS is the point you should think about. hint: it's not because alcohol is less harmfull. and by the way.. [...]
· 8 years ago
[...] if someone is abusing weed, we should help him. i don't think it's positive if people abuse something, if it's weed or other stuff. we should help these people to get over this. the problem is just.. people like you want to help these people by disallow something they are ADDICTED to. in other words.. they WANT or (@drugs who make the body addicted) NEED the drug. if you disallow it, do you really mean this will stop them? they need / want it.. so they get it. disallow it does'nt help anyone. it just make criminals out of people who would need help.. but don't get.. they just get slapped in the face from everyone because they do "illegal stuff" (consume drugs).. in other words.. we make their lifes more hard. we slap them to the ground, and slap them even more. we don't helping, we make it worse if we disallow drugs. instead of disallow drugs, we should use the money to HELP people who need help (addicted people).. and not punish everyone for the problems of others
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
congrats you are like me and do not have an addictive personality. i know people who can smoke cigs for a year and just stop for years cold turkey. have you ever seen a pothead with out his weed? they can be the most aggressive people you have ever met. they can be normal people, start smoking then turn to a giant jerk when they don't get their weed. i don't think either should be legal, but prohibition failed. we have learned that once something is legal, it is hard to make it illegal. the war on drugs failed because the punishment was to high. this lead to the cops not taking down many people they found had weed. that made the cops way to lenient. it should have just been a fine and pot use would have never blew up so much. i like how you went from it isn't a problem, to some people do have problems with it. thank you.
· 8 years ago
please don't take this the wrong way. i am in no means using it as an insult. is english your first language? your word use is sloppy. if english isn't your fist language i applaud you for you keeping up this conversation. if it is please take more care in what you type, it is hard to follow you sometimes.
· 8 years ago
my first language is german, so it's a little bit hard for me to have a discusion about such a topic because my english is not really the best (i have often problems to find the correct words for what i want to say etc.). my main statement about weed is just.. yeah. there are people who have problem with weed. but these people would have the same issues if there would be no weed. even if there would ne no drug on the planet existing.. these people would try to flee from their problems with anything they can use. but you can't punish the tools they use for this.. you need to try to help these people with their problems. i know some guys who abused weed and their way of speech with others etc. is.. a little.. slow.. if you know what i mean. but this are people who abused it. and if someone abuse a drug, thats imho the wrong way of drug consumation. but if we would allow weed, we could use the money we then have from this, to really help peoples who have a addiction & other problems.[...]
· 8 years ago
and people who don't have any problems with weed, can then use it how they like.. without beeing made a criminal just because they want to relax sometimes after a hard day. (i think we should not take weed in the morning or before school/working.. but after a hard day it's okay & fine).
· 8 years ago
ah german, i wanted to learn it, but never let that wild hair grow long enough for me to get up and do it. sorry about some of the bs going on there. hope you are taking care of yourself, be safe. i think you are doing well, just a little sloppy. well enough for me to not be fully sure if your were native or not, that is a good thing. everything is a tool, any tool can be abused. my issue is that once you open that can of worms, you will never be able to clean up the mess. i accept that it will soon be legal, but i will still discuss my opposition to it. i don't like drug use. i do drink alcohol, but i do it for the taste. with my tolerance it is hard for me to even get a buzz. i gave up years ago to feel anything from it. sometimes gin, whiskey or even vodka can add a nice flavor to juice. though i have bottles sitting around for a few months because i have fallen out of love of those drinks. least it doesn't go bad fast.
· 8 years ago
i think it 100% okay if someone decide for himself that he don't want to take any drugs, if it's alcohol, weed, or other stuff. i just think.. everyone should be able to decide for himself, if he don't hurt any body around him with this decision. like if i have a hard working day, and come home from work and smoke a bit of weed to relax.. thats okay. but if i smoke tons of it in the morning before i leave for work, and don't do my work i have to do correctly anymore, don't have a social life anymore because i consume to much drugs etc.. thats not okay anymore. if you go under people, you should not be high to a amount that you can't handle stuff anymore. people who take drugs and drive as an example are not responsible if you ask me. but if they consume it @ home without hurt anyone.. where is the problem? i don't see one :) the quantity makes the poison..and the "where and how" you do it ;D
· 8 years ago
anyway, i digress. again i don't like drug use. i don't like hiding from my problems. people need to buckle down and fight their issues. it makes you stronger. inconveniences are the driving force to better yourself. if you become to comfortable with your problems, you never correct them. the escape makes you lazy. the escape keeps you docile. you will never stand up, when you are happy sitting down. i understand the need to escape, but that need to escape should be the driving force for you to improve your life. don't like your job? buckle in and either improve your job or find means to get another one. you can't let yourself to just accept the discomfort. i have never backed down and gave up. life is not easy to the ones who accept being a floor mat. you want an easy life? you get it from hard work. you get it from busting your butt. you earn an easy life. some people start off better, but that isn't on you. you don't care about them. you work for you. you earn it.
· 8 years ago
sometimes we shouldn't let the child drink bleach. i don't agree to letting the drugs to be so available that the abusers have the chance to start. the reason we have so many drunks is because it is legal to drink. you have more people abusing things when you legalize it. it is when the average man gets a hold of something, that you see the problems get worse. many people are not mature enough to make a proper decision. look at how many people still smoke cigarettes. they know it is bad for them, but they keep doing it. where i don't agree with the government dictating our options of life, i feel they have the obligation to keep people from taking poison. imagine the horrors that would be in our food if the government didn't keep some chemicals away from human consumption. so many things that caused cancer is out of our food because the government outlawed it. sometimes it is good for us to not have the access to drugs that can cause harm. legalizing pot will not eliminate the drunk
· 8 years ago
i'm with you.. everyone should fix their problems. the problem is, some people don't can solve their problems or have even mental issues who prevent them from fixing their problems. example: look at the streets..their are homeless people who have no luck in sigh.. they get no help, find no job etc.. this people have lots of problems.. and because this, they try to solve it often with drugs. everyone have problems.. some people more than other.. and some people consume drugs, and see "hey, i'm feeling bether when i take drugs.." - because this, they take more of it. it's not solving their problems, but make it more sustainable for them. the problem ist just.. because they take drugs, they often get more problems (they don't have enough money for more, get addicted with like heroin etc). i think we both know that drugs can't solve most of the problems peoples have. but tell this peoples who have the problems. they have a whole other image of our world.. another perspective. but [...]
· 8 years ago
ok i got to get to sleep it is 8:26am here. i work night shifts so i stay up late, and wake after noon. i am more productive after work than before. take care.
· 8 years ago
weed eases the pain people often have. it helps people who have pain & issues. i know a lot of people who just can have a normal life BECAUSE the consume weed.. there are diseases who gets eased when you consume weed.. and if you don't consume weed, you can't have a normal life.. just because the diseases you have will prevent you from it. sure, there are other medicin drugs out there for this diseases, but often they have lots of negative effects who weed don't have. so if weed helps people, AND have not really negative effect (not more than other legal stuff).. i don't see a reason why we should not make it legal. it would help the countrys, peoples and yeah.. i don't see a problem, just positive aspects. but we should create too institutes or places where people with problems get free help (fixing their problems).
p.s: sorry for my bad english :D i know that my syntax & word-finding is not the best, i try my best to make it as perfect i can^^
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
p.p.s: we should not sell drugs in unlimited amounts to people.. there should be a treshould like "everyone can buy like 2g per week" or something like this. AND we should NOT make every drug legal.. not every drug is good for people & the country.
p.p.p.s: have a good night :) here in germany its 13:37pm so yeah ...have a good night :)
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
don't pity the homeless to much. many of them choose that life. it isn't much more than camping to some. i had a co-worker that ditched everything to go back to living on the street because he didn't want to get a new roommate. he quit his job and just moved to the street. some truly need help, but after so many beggers having new phones and laptops asking me for money, when i didn't have either myself, i have grown bitter. i agree that weed should only be given in terms equal to their problem. that is why i am ok with medicinal purposes. if it can treat an illness, by all means help them. maybe go as far as being given by a psychiatrist for psychological issues. i don't think i should be available at the local gas station like it is for cigarettes. that is my stance here. you do, do a decent job structuring your words. better than many i have talked to. just a little "off" here and there. i just woke up and am off to work now. later.
1) cannabis / weed is no gateway drug. just because people take it and then switch to other drugs make it not a gateway drug. 100% of the people who had a accidentalong their lifes drank water.. make this water a gateway drug to accidents? no. just because some people do / take something, and then they do another stuff this makes it not a gateway drug. there are several studys who will tell you that cannabis / weed is not a gateway drug.
2) cannabis / weed is less harmfull then alcohol. there are studys about it. read it. please.
3) in some locations on earth cannabis and weed is legalized [...]
4) weed / cannabis DON'T makes addicted in a body-way. if you take alcohol as an example.. alcohol makes the body addicted. if you don't get alcohol, you're body makes trouble, you get agressive etc.. this is because your BODY is addicted. but if you take weed / cannabis as an example.. this will just makes you MENTALY addicted.. as in "i want weed because it's a nice feeling". you WANT to take more of it, but if you would stop it, you could without big problems [...]
to make it short - weed / cannabis is NOT bad. it help's a lot of people who are ill / sick. cannabis is a nice medicine for this people, and for normal people it's a nice thing too who don't really hurt the country in any way. IF you take it with responsibility. if you don't, thats not the fault of weed / cannabis.. it's the fault of the guy / girl who do it wrong. you can't even take stuff who are legal without responsibility and hurt you or others with it. thats not the fault of the tool you use for it. please, get informations about a topic before you write anything without really have fact & infos about a topic. it's not helping anyone if you spread wrong informations. thanks
p.s: sorry for my bad english :D i know that my syntax & word-finding is not the best, i try my best to make it as perfect i can^^
p.p.p.s: have a good night :) here in germany its 13:37pm so yeah ...have a good night :)