I got that look more than once
8 years ago by thatguyyouknow · 2035 Likes · 6 comments · Popular
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· 8 years ago
Preach sistah preach!
· 8 years ago
I got my ass whooped with wooden spoons and fly swatters. Safe to say I was a good kid in public
· 8 years ago
My mom used sticks stripped of twigs so they left nasty ass stinging marks on my legs whenever she hit me. Fuckers were sharp. Worst part is that shit is super common in asia...
· 8 years ago
man, how many times i witnessed a parent say to the kid. "i am going to count to 3 and you better get over here. ..1...2... i told you to get over her. don't make m count to 3 ...1...2... I SAID GET OVER HERE." damn, say 3 and woop their butt. they will never take you seriously if you don't go through with your threat. they own you right now.
· 8 years ago
Because people are quick to get involved & bring CPS in when a parent tries to discipline their child. THAT'S one reason why kids are the way they are, unless the parents just don't give a shit.
· 8 years ago
don't make the threat if you don't plan to stick with it. NEVER, weather as a parent on in any other aspect of your live, fail to back up your words. if you say you will do something do it. if you don't plan to do it, never say it. you can't ever live your life being viewed as someone that isn't earnest. be someone with conviction and strength. you have to live your life true. people may not always like me, but i stick with what i do. i hold my end of the bargain. i am true to myself and make choices i know need to be made. i may not always have friends, but people are better off with the decisions i make. take control and follow through. words are not meant to be hollow, they mean something. like a parents that gives into a tantrum for a candy bar. weakness gives way to exploitation. YOU are the parent, act like it.