(Kinda off topic but) I'm glad that kids' shows such as The Dumping Ground had themes such as lesbians couples fostering, and with the homophobic character being clearly shown that he was in the wrong
There are MANY people not born gay but choose to be because they think they'll be cool or rebellious or had bad experiences with the opposite sex. This is not okay! Yes, some people are born gay but no it's not okay to influence those who are not born with this hormonal defect to choose to struggle with it. Bring on the hate, doesn't bother me , continue living small minded lives of denial
Because I hadn't addressed guest's comment as a whole in my previous reply,plus the wording was a bit off. So,I decided to just acknowledge guest's entire comment with my newer reply.
Haha oh wow , you always exude intelligence. Your inexperienced, immature mind can't even begin to comprehend the words I placed above so you immediately jump to the always appreciated expression "you're retarded" with the exception of your so carefully chosen derogotory term. Bravo miss rose you truly are the weakest link.
Guest,I actually had a different reply to you initially. It acknowledged most of your points (I deleted it since it didn't acknowledge all of them and I don't want to make a strawman out of your arguments) and was much less insulting. So don't go saying that I can't comprehend your bullshit,because I fucking can.
I don't think it's just homophobes though
It could be upset fans that they changed the story to have a gay couple just to show acceptance of gay rights
It could be upset fans that they changed the story to have a gay couple just to show acceptance of gay rights