Every day we stray further from the Lord
7 years ago by deleted · 533 Likes · 25 comments · Popular
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My point was that there are groups of people people who are extreme like this, and like the people at rallies who are like " are you uncomfortable because I'm gay ?! Homophobe !! " But it's really because they're wearing a tight speedo with nipple tassels around kids. They have no boundries and want negative reactions.
I completely forgot about this post until you decided to reply to my comment implying I'm homophobic because you assumed I meant lbgt folk
I'm bisexual. I see gay guys, I like. I see gay guys that can't control themselves, I don't like and don't like near innocent people.
None of this okay, this is supposed to be bedroom stuff.
I understand having a kink, but this should be filed under indecency.