Everything from 1916 has changed to something more modern/efficient. So it says it's time to change the style of the classroom/lecture theatres that have remained more or less the same
I honestly don't think its the classroom that's the problem. Its the children and how they are raised to be so dependent on technology they feel like that's the only way that they can learn. I was born on books. It was the best way for me to learn. I understand digitalizing things and making it easier to learn but there is a reason for reading content on a book or studying in a classroom. If the kids were more engaged in education, I think it would make a difference. Now, with that being said, our public education system is shit and I don't care for it too much. Its a necessary requirement for the future though and I do think its time for a change but I don't think technology is the way. The education system needs to understand if you remove the fun from school and don't let kids approach certain subjects the way that is best fit for them then it will continue to be a downward spiral. Standardized testing is a fucking joke for all. Teach content and help kids become more intelligent
through different learning activities. Make it fun, allow kids to take breaks if they become frustrated. Find a different method to teach. Our education system has a cookie-cutter build for a group of kids who are not round or square shaped. Teachers teach kids how to take a test not how to enjoy learning new content.
It may have not changed physically and it also may lack technological innovations. But, alot has changed in our education system. That is wht we were able to create advance technology. It didn't made itself y'know. Just sayin
Honestly, education took a great leap. It is just the children these days who are so dependent in computers and teachers. How about studying more than complaining.
You know you can reply to yourself if you wanted to add more info ?
Also, maybe people are out of school and work instead of study but realize the current education system is shit so they'd rather do something about it than let kids complain and get nowhere ?
Well how would they change it besides what is learned and the grading system ?
Also, maybe people are out of school and work instead of study but realize the current education system is shit so they'd rather do something about it than let kids complain and get nowhere ?