Well if they never out right say it and don't try to stop you, then I'd say that's most parents. Parents worry, no one wants their kids to struggle or fail, they want you to be successful. It's your life and your future, do what you want, but you shouldn't resent your parents for worrying.
· 7 years ago
Mine just outright said it. Pretty much crushed any dream I had. Moving halfway across the country was the best thing for my self esteem and my dreams
I don't get why people want their children to go into certain career paths because everyone's different! Be a writer if you want to do that for the rest of your life! I know I do, and there's plenty of job opportunities dealing with writing and whatnot. They're not always obvious, but there are blogs, magazines, newspapers, books and so much more everywhere around us that gives a wide range of topics and ideas to write about. I don't normally comment on anything, but this is a topic that I'm completely and utterly passionate about. You should do what you want (and enjoy) because, in the end, it's your life, and you're the one who has to deal with the consequences.
· 7 years ago
I completely agree with you, I know when I have kids I'll want them to pursue their passions, I'd just like them to have a backup plan. Chase your dreams but always be prepared