Hey there! Ever wish you had aborted your kids while you could? And now you want to, but a late abortion counts as "murder"? (communists amirite?) Well, we've got a solution for you! Come on down to "It Builds Character"! A store full of all your need for indirectly getting your kids out of your life at a super low price! It even works for normal abortions too! Just buy one of our 24 bundles of cigarette packs (for only $2.00) and smoke all of them! Thatll get rid of the little bugger for sure! So come on down to "It Builds Character" today, and fix your life!
*It Builds Character is not responsible if any of our products don't work, satisfaction not completely guaranteed, but you'll probably be happy, buy at your own risk*
*It Builds Character is not responsible if any of our products don't work, satisfaction not completely guaranteed, but you'll probably be happy, buy at your own risk*