If the prospect of student loans is so horrifying, don't borrow. Forgo the "college experience" of cheering for sports and joining a sorority/fraternity and go to,a commuter college or local school and work part time. There are alternatives beyond constant complaining about college loans. I had to take out a mortgage to have a house to live in but I'm not complaining that houses should be free because people need a place to live more than they need a college degree.
But even if society comes around to your way of thinking and makes college cost much less, the next complaint will be that the government takes so much of your income in taxes to pay for everyone's stuff that you have no money to pay off your (now very small) loans.
I see college students goingto spring break locations I never considered because I wasn't going to borrow money for vacations. Some drive ,much newer cars than I do because I hate car loans. In those cases, they've borrowed money*during* college but not
But even if society comes around to your way of thinking and makes college cost much less, the next complaint will be that the government takes so much of your income in taxes to pay for everyone's stuff that you have no money to pay off your (now very small) loans.
I see college students goingto spring break locations I never considered because I wasn't going to borrow money for vacations. Some drive ,much newer cars than I do because I hate car loans. In those cases, they've borrowed money*during* college but not