Yeah, it's getting even more screwy here, lately. I can never post pics or anything, and lately I keep hitting the 30 post daily limit after 10-15 posts, if I'm lucky. Then there's the whole guest ability to up/downvote repeatedly...Hopefully this new server business is just the start of FS getting it's act together. On topic, I thought it was cute that the girl that's even more of a joke than JB has got jokes...about JB.
@goglencoco The new nameservers take a while to propagate, it should be fully working by tomorrow.
@scotttttland What is the username of your previous account? I could restore it for you.
@mgoveia Will check what's wrong there, probably a bug.
Yeah, thanks. I noticed my post limit has gone up to 60. I haven't kept count or anything, but it still sometimes feels like I'm not really hitting 60. I guess that's a good thing. Can you imagine how much hate I would get if my daily posts doubled?!
@scotttttland What is the username of your previous account? I could restore it for you.
@mgoveia Will check what's wrong there, probably a bug.