It was during a hot summer back in 1994 when my parents made me visit the uncle I didn't even know I had in Florida. I worked in his orange garden in my staying which was awful as Florida is hell; hot and stink and just the worst.
But everything changed on that very day.
We were loading orange to the truck from the garden and suddenly, a tyre busted off and all the oranges started rolling toward me furiously. "Oh no, they gonna crush me into juice" I thought to myself but couldn't move my legs. The next thing I knew was oranges hitting against my teenager body, one after another non-stop...
The feeling, the rush, everything seemed clearer, better
I didn't know what it was and till now, I still don't but it made me the man I am
I tried
In the weirdest and most innocent way
But everything changed on that very day.
We were loading orange to the truck from the garden and suddenly, a tyre busted off and all the oranges started rolling toward me furiously. "Oh no, they gonna crush me into juice" I thought to myself but couldn't move my legs. The next thing I knew was oranges hitting against my teenager body, one after another non-stop...
The feeling, the rush, everything seemed clearer, better
I didn't know what it was and till now, I still don't but it made me the man I am
I tried