Science is the latest way we’ve invented to “explain why things are”.
The only problem with observable data is that the variable is a necessity.
Wave/point experiments have shown that every thing we think we’ve proved has been skewed by the observer.
Modern science is just now proving theories human beings were aware of from thousands of years ago.
TLDR: we’ve come full circle only this time our proof is weaker.
· 7 years ago
You have to take science with a grain of salt, actually. Because it's constantly evolving. Science proved the Brontosaurus existed, then claimed it didn't, and now claims it does again.
Science is only as true as we are able to observe and guess, for people who don't believe science is built on the faith then you've never had to do complex scientific calculations... that shit will make you pray you didn't fuck up, especially in chemistry....
Science is built on the faith that what we can observe is true but the problem is we are easily tricked as a species and aren't capable of observing everything yet so a lot of what we think is true could be false like less than a decade later. Remember when dinosaurs were cool lizards and not wierd chicken lizards, remember when pluto was a planet, remember literally anything people thought was science in the 1800's? My point exactly. Science dose have the advantage of being able to prove its work but give it a century and we'll find out we're wrong cause we can observe more stuff and prove more things.
Would that be the same science that claimed the sun rotated around the earth? Or that the Earth is the only planet with water? Or that the earth was flat?
Two of those were the result of fundamentalist catholics. But either way in science we don't say that something is the avsolute truth. We know that we're not always right and are willing to change our minds and theory when new data is presented. That's the difference between science and religion.
Agreed but tell that to the butt hurt people who believe science is absolutely true and can never be wrong about anything and therefore any other belief is mute and deserves to be purged from the earth. There are bad people on both sides and extremism leads to the dumbest conflicts from any point of view. Science is just as valid as religion if practiced properly or just as bad if abused and misinterpreted drastically, too far on any side is bad.
Actually whats 'True" in science is actually what we currently understand, given the evidence we have collected, the limits to our ability to collect said evidence and our interpretation of the evidence after a great deal of debate. All of which can change over time
The only problem with observable data is that the variable is a necessity.
Wave/point experiments have shown that every thing we think we’ve proved has been skewed by the observer.
Modern science is just now proving theories human beings were aware of from thousands of years ago.
TLDR: we’ve come full circle only this time our proof is weaker.
Science is built on the faith that what we can observe is true but the problem is we are easily tricked as a species and aren't capable of observing everything yet so a lot of what we think is true could be false like less than a decade later. Remember when dinosaurs were cool lizards and not wierd chicken lizards, remember when pluto was a planet, remember literally anything people thought was science in the 1800's? My point exactly. Science dose have the advantage of being able to prove its work but give it a century and we'll find out we're wrong cause we can observe more stuff and prove more things.